View Full Version : So anxious today

10-06-15, 18:39
I had been doing better with my anxiety the last few weeks ever since my fiancée came to visit I seemed to have an improvement. While I still had my fears of my liver because of spider veins, red palms, red soles etc I was doing better. Well ever since my tongue started becoming white coated that didn't brush away I got worried. Now I know a white coated tongue is very common, but I also have this tiny bumps in the middle of my tongue that I think might be from brushing too hard but they have been there for a week now so I'm not sure. They hurt at times as well. Now today I noticed on each side of my tongue I feel a fatty white thing. Could just be my tongue but I don't recall ever seeing it before this and the one side looks like it might have two. No I'm worried about mouth cancer. Outside of that I'm also convinced I have cirrihios of the liver, because how else would I have red Palms red soles, spider veins, and a tongue issues now? I would've to believe that something like IBS or anxiety is the cause but with the amount of symtoms how can I? I worried myself so much I started looking up success stories of people who got liver transplants and lived long lives. I know stupid idea. I've never been a heavy drinker and never did drugs. I did take anti depressants for 10 years maybe that took a toll on my liver? What if I caught hep c? I have family members with it whom I'm not close to so I highly doubt that but what if I caught it some how? I'm an anxious wreck and I was just doing so well but the issues with my tongue are driving me back into s panic. Yes I have health anxiety but that doesn't mean I can't have something. The things I mentioned on their own usually aren't too concerning but mixed together? I don't know how I could believe otherwise.

10-06-15, 19:37
By now if you had something wrong with your liver you would definitely be in the hospital. The liver is one of the most important organs in our body and it's responsible for so many functions. If you had a liver issue as severe as the ones you fear hep c or cirrihoss there is no way you will still have just those minor symptoms all these months later. They are both very serious diseases and I could imagine the symptoms of the disease is quite painful. My fiancee father died from cirrhosis and he was in a lot of pain he got it from heavy drinking. You have to believe that you are fine in order to feel fine. If you were able to feel OK for weeks then that's even more reason to show you it's nothing serious. Real diseases don't take a break for weeks it persist until the problem is treated. I wish you luck I know how hard anxiety is I'm still struggling but much better than I was before.

10-06-15, 19:53
By now if you had something wrong with your liver you would definitely be in the hospital. The liver is one of the most important organs in our body and it's responsible for so many functions. If you had a liver issue as severe as the ones you fear hep c or cirrihoss there is no way you will still have just those minor symptoms all these months later. They are both very serious diseases and I could imagine the symptoms of the disease is quite painful. My fiancee father died from cirrhosis and he was in a lot of pain he got it from heavy drinking. You have to believe that you are fine in order to feel fine. If you were able to feel OK for weeks then that's even more reason to show you it's nothing serious. Real diseases don't take a break for weeks it persist until the problem is treated. I wish you luck I know how hard anxiety is I'm still struggling but much better than I was before.

Thanks worrywart. I always thought with cirrihios it can persist for months with just the minor symptoms and that some people don't even know they have it until the major symptoms occur. I just don't know why my palms would suddenly be red as well as the sole of my feet and its s non stop red 24/7. And spider veins. Which my mom has but she doesn't have any on her face. I have two above my eyes and a small one on the side of my nose. I wouldn't say I was fully better, but when my fiancée was here my appetite and bowel movements did improve. Still had a lot of gas and belching and a stomach ache like once throughout the trip. I was a little tired too during it but we did do a lot. One day we walked 8 miles in NYC according to my phone. An unhealthy person wouldn't be able to walk 8 miles, right? At least that's what I would like to believe.

I'm glad to hear you are doing better!

11-06-15, 18:15
So last night I had a pretty rough night trying to fall asleep. At one point I was just laying down browsing on my phone not feeling anxious, though I had an anxious day and I started to feel my heart beating fast. I re downloaded the heart rate monitor app and it said my heart rate was 121! I freaked and got up and walked around some. Laid back down checked again it was 65 but one time wasn't enough so I continued to check a few more times s were between 58-65. I then deleted the app. Then I tried to get some sleep but my mom
Has been sick for the last week with bronchitis and was put on meds. Well I caught a sore throat from her. My throat was burning sore, then my tongue was sore and the two were playing off each other I felt like. Lastly, and this might be the most concerning, I've been worried about weight loss. I was just starting to feel like I was putting on my weight which I'm proud of as it's been another one of my fears. However, I can feel my collarbone and last night it felt a little sore if I rolled on my side and now I'm really worried about it and worried I'm losing weight because I have something sinister. I haven't weighted myself because that was triggering my anxiety more.