View Full Version : Functional GI Disorder I believe...

10-06-15, 20:59
I think I may have finally cracked it?

I think I have a functional GI Disorder which is basically GI problems which have no medical cause but which are caused by anxiety and other mental health issues.

This may go a long way in explaining why all my blood tests and my barium x-ray have all come back normal.

In other words my anxiety and nervous disposition may be causing my retching and dry heaving which is mimicking a gastrointestinal disease.

Oh well I see my gastroenterologist in 36 hours and I will be mentioning this.
Lets see if he agrees.

This retching has been going on now for 47 months so I highly doubt that there is anything wrong "down there" in my GI tract otherwise I would have deteriorated and become seriously ill after such a long period.

11-06-15, 07:54
That means in the WHO ICD-10 diagnostic manual that we use in the UK, it fits into the Somatoform Disorders. Somatoform Autonomic Dysfunction could fit to this but it has a differential diagnosis with GAD which needs to be checked for.

Initially I saw your issues as being about this symptom but as you mentioned in your last thread, you also experience anxiety in social situations and other situations. This could mean it points back to GAD.

If they can't find any physical reason, they should consider psychological and refer you for an assessment, most likely with a psychologist I guess.

This is kind of a paradoxical one. Your doctors don't believe anxiety can cause it yet you believe it can and are trying to convince them to check it out. The fight is normally the other way around!

Have you considered checking out the WHO ICD-10 about it? It might help you work it out better.