View Full Version : Terrible panic attack while driving. Anyone have a story?

11-06-15, 06:00
I'm not panicked about driving in general but last night I had to drive 20 minutes in the dark (not a big deal to most people but the drive is long windy dark roads) but I have the kind of anxiety that makes you feel like you're going to pass out and won't have anybody to help you and I can't even use the phone when I am
panicking. Worst part is I didn't even want to pull over because it's scary to be on isolated roads at night

Anyway I had never had car panic before. My leg was shaking on the pedal and I didn't think I would get home. Took me an hour after I got home to recover. The more I thought about how much longer the drive was, the more the panic grew.

Has anybody else panicked behind the wheel? Or felt anticipatory anxiety driving somewhere?

11-06-15, 22:03
Iv had this sooooo many times. Iv had to pull over and get out the car because I couldn't breath. It's awful xx

12-06-15, 15:06
I get anxiety/panics about both driving and being a passenger. I recently done driving lessons and I got on great with my instructor and took well to the most part of driving but as soon as it came to driving on bypasses, roundabouts and busy routes in general. I couldn't. The panic was overwhelming and I have since quit lessons for a bit. I told my instructor that I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and he was understanding but I think he just thought I had learner anxiety and not overall anxiety and panic disorder.

I had a bad one while driving. I was stuck at a busy roundabout and out of nowhere my heart started pounding, my vision went weird, felt like I couldn't breathe and my chest and back were tightening. It was terrifying. That happened on my last lesson. The anticipatory anxiety I felt before the next lesson was enough for me to quit all together for a wee while. I also get the anticipatory anxiety before being a passenger in any bus, car or vehicle.

13-06-15, 00:24
Sorry to hear you had to give up your lessons - I'm sure you will acquire the confidence and courage to get back to it. It helps to remember that the instructor has control of the car. I had bad anxiety when I got my license and started driving on my own because it was just me in the car now. I was tormented by the thought of passing out at the wheel. As usual all that took away the intense fear was to keep getting in the car but I'd be lying if I said I don't still struggle with the thoughts.

When you say your vision went weird, in what way? Because I've recently had episodes where it feels like my eyes are going to burst. Like there's intense pressure behind them. I had to pull over and get eye drops because my vision was going really strange. All is well because I had an eye test, so I know it's anxiety but doesn't make it any less horrible while you're trying to drive. Is this similar to your experience?

13-06-15, 11:07
Sorry to hear you had to give up your lessons - I'm sure you will acquire the confidence and courage to get back to it. It helps to remember that the instructor has control of the car. I had bad anxiety when I got my license and started driving on my own because it was just me in the car now. I was tormented by the thought of passing out at the wheel. As usual all that took away the intense fear was to keep getting in the car but I'd be lying if I said I don't still struggle with the thoughts.

When you say your vision went weird, in what way? Because I've recently had episodes where it feels like my eyes are going to burst. Like there's intense pressure behind them. I had to pull over and get eye drops because my vision was going really strange. All is well because I had an eye test, so I know it's anxiety but doesn't make it any less horrible while you're trying to drive. Is this similar to your experience?
I feel a pressure both behind and between my eyes and I feel like my vision is just going to suddenly cut out. Its obviously never cut out but the belief that it will is so strong when I have a pa ic. I've had to pull over a few times because of it and wait for it to pass. Seems to be quite a common symptom of a panic attack.

13-06-15, 12:28
Yes, I have experienced this and I am now limited as to where I will drive. Only places where I know I can stop without a problem.
I would recommend you to get back to driving a.s.a.p
as I didn't for fear and as time passed it became scarier and scarier x