View Full Version : Blood pressure worries

11-06-15, 11:05
I have bllod pressure worries that are starting to take over me. i am 28 and have posted on here before regarding my pounding heart.
I got some reassurance, however it still seemed not right to me so i have taken my blood pressure quite a lot recently.
When at full rest it hovers around 125/75, sometimes lower, sometimes higher. i have taken it after climbing the stairs quickly and the figures are around 180/80. They do drop but this is when my heart is pounding and i can feel it bouncing around my chest. this seems too high for me, especially as i get to this pounding every time i climb the stairs and or play sport. I have a really low resting heart rate aswell which freaks me out a little. it is around 40bpm at full rest. So this coupled with my high readings of 180/80 makes me worry.
anybody got any idea whether these readings are too high after climbing stairs quickly etc?


11-06-15, 13:45
Sounds normal to me - I'm 52 and my BP is generally high anyway after a good run.

If its any consolation, I work with a guy that has BP in the 180/100 range and he's been like that for years - he's 60 and totally inactive and smokes and drinks and has lived with this for years. If he's surviving, you'll be fine.

11-06-15, 17:22
I have bllod pressure worries that are starting to take over me. i am 28 and have posted on here before regarding my pounding heart.
I got some reassurance, however it still seemed not right to me so i have taken my blood pressure quite a lot recently.
When at full rest it hovers around 125/75, sometimes lower, sometimes higher. i have taken it after climbing the stairs quickly and the figures are around 180/80. They do drop but this is when my heart is pounding and i can feel it bouncing around my chest. this seems too high for me, especially as i get to this pounding every time i climb the stairs and or play sport. I have a really low resting heart rate aswell which freaks me out a little. it is around 40bpm at full rest. So this coupled with my high readings of 180/80 makes me worry.
anybody got any idea whether these readings are too high after climbing stairs quickly etc?


At your age you seem if anything extremely fit.BP varies every minute and the more you concentrate on it, the more anxious you may get , and that can increase your BP.