View Full Version : moving your head

silver blaze
11-06-15, 15:33
Does anyone get dizzy by just moving your head half an inch?

12-06-15, 07:03
I used to get head zaps on Prozac when moving my head half a inch yeh. You on any meds ?

silver blaze
12-06-15, 09:33
only omerprozole for my heartburn and have had the head thing for years far longer than I have been on the pills

12-06-15, 15:10
Yes I just had it a minute ago. I moved my head the slightest amount and I felt like I was falling out the bed and the room was spinning at the same time. I had to grab my bed for support and shouted on my bf. Its called Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Its the most common type of vertigo. I used to only get an attack maybe once every few months but it seems to be happening a lot nowadays. I've had it happen outside and I literally fell to the floor because of it. Apparently its not serious or dangerous, the only serious part is if you fall.