View Full Version : Siberian Pine Nut oil for stomach issues

11-06-15, 15:34
I’ve had bowel/stomach issues for almost 3 years and had an increase in heartburn and reflux in recent months so was prescribed Omeprazole.It took a couple of weeks to kick in and seemed to be working, but after four months things were going backwards and I was experiencing side effects, including nausea.

In desperation I tried Siberian Pine Nut oil capsules, which seem to be gaining popularity for digestive issues.To my surprise they seemed to work within a couple of hours – heartburn/reflux virtually gone and ten days later things are still good.I’ll persevere with them and see if things are eliminated totally.

I don’t think the improvement is psychosomatic because I felt very positive when the doc prescribed Omeprazole – I’d heard good things about it and was relieved when he suggested it, so I expected to improve.I didn’t expect anything from the oil capsules but have improved significantly.

Hope this info is useful. Would be interested to know if anyone else has tried this stuff.