View Full Version : Pupils different sizes sometimes

11-06-15, 16:28
I am a 20 year old female and I realized about two/three weeks ago that my pupils are different sizes sometimes when I look in the mirror. My right pupil is larger than my left, but they are the same size in really bright light (they both get very small). But in medium or darker light, my right pupil is noticeably larger than my left.

I went to the eye doctor and she referred me to a neurologist, but I don't have an appointment until June 22nd. I have also been experiencing many other symptoms: weakness/numbness in my limbs and hands (mostly my right hand and leg), dizziness, lightheadedness, pins and needles feelings that move all over my body, pain in one spot on my head, and fatigue.

I know some people have pupils that are always different sizes and that's just the way they are, but that's not how mine are and the eye doctor said it was strange that they aren't always different sizes, just sometimes.

What could it be? I'm pretty freaked out.

12-06-15, 14:34
Anyone? :weep:

Gary A
12-06-15, 15:51
Quite possibly migraine symptoms. The weakness, dizziness etc could all be what's known as an aura, which can happen up 24 hours before a migraine strikes. If it's only changing in certain light conditions then it sounds like something that should be dealt with by a neurologist. Some people can get migraines without having an actual headache, as bizarre as that sounds.

I'm afraid that waiting to see your neuroligist is the only thing you can do, but I suspect silent migraine is a possibility.

12-06-15, 20:19
One of my pupils is bigger than the other one and it scared me when I noticed it, I went to docs and the first doctor looked and said he could not see a difference but I asked them to look again and then he saw it and asked another doctor for a second opinion! Which frightened me even more for some reason. They sent me off to a specialist and to say I was terrified is an understatement I dreaded everyday I was certain the news was going to be awfu . When I finally got sat in front of the specialist he was very kind and explained it was nothing to worry about at all, he said I had a particular condition which caused this and it nothing at all to be concerned or worried about. It was such a relief and I am sure you will feel the same relief , and I know it is hard it is but stay away from Google its terrifying! I really hope you feel better soon and I am sure everything is ok.

12-06-15, 23:44
Gary A, thanks for the response. I don't get migraines so I don't think it's that. I have an appointment with a neurologist soon, but I'm just so scared of what she is going to tell me.

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:41 ----------

When I finally got sat in front of the specialist he was very kind and explained it was nothing to worry about at all, he said I had a particular condition which caused this and it nothing at all to be concerned or worried about. It was such a relief and I am sure you will feel the same relief , and I know it is hard it is but stay away from Google its terrifying! I really hope you feel better soon and I am sure everything is ok.

Thanks so much for your response. It has calmed me down a bit, but of course now I'm freaking out because my right hand and leg are numb/weak, which is the same side of the enlarged pupil. Do you remember what condition it was? Did the doctor give you a MRI? ARe your pupils different sizes all the time or just sometimes?

13-06-15, 06:43
Hi Megs,

The difference in pupil size is very slight in certain light conditions that I could not tell (as above even the doctor did not notice the first time) then in other light conditions it is obvious. So it is hard to tell. The condition I have (I think this is correct ) is Addies Pupil ( I will probably be wrong on the spelling!) As for the other symptoms could they be down to anxiety? My anxiety symptoms are so varied that my health anxiety would go crazy , I have had part of my arm go numb along with alsorts of tingling it is so scary I can really empathise with what you are going through. I did not get sent for an MRI at that time but the specialist who diagnosed the eye condition was excellent so he must have been happy enough with what it was at the time. I hope that helps a bit, hope all goes really well and I am sure all will be ok :)


---------- Post added at 06:43 ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 ----------

Oh and in bright light they are the same size that's why the doctor struggled because initially he used the bright light they use, but then he looked in natural light and that is when he noticed and got the second opinion.