View Full Version : Palpatations -thought I was dying

11-06-15, 20:07
I have t posted on here on such a long time but something happened tonight which has really scared me. I've always suffered with health anxiety since early teens and with it I've had palpatations, chest pains, to list goes on and on. I had my baby 9 months ago and generally my anxiety has been on and off since having him but has actually improved.

I've had a few bad palpatations episodes but tonight I was sat talking to my mother in law and all of sudden it literally felt like my heart stopped for about 10 seconds and I couldn't breathe and it was like everything went black. Usually my heart flutters and I can feel it but this time I just felt like my whole body stopped working, then after that I felt like I was in a dream and I couldn't speak.
I've never been so scared in my life, now I'm getting chest pain but I don't know if that's because I've scared myself.

I've had tests on my heart a couple of times and everything is ok. But I never knew palpatations could be this bad. I feel really shaky and strange now, sort of like I've ran a marathon and have no energy...Can anxiety really do this to you or should I genuinely be worried?

11-06-15, 21:23
Ive had this happen to me a few times before but not to the extent that you have said... I could be fine one minute then all of a sudden it would feel like my heart stopped for about 5 seconds then made the huge thud... Also I felt like I couldn't move my body when this happened it wa a very nice experience....

If it's the first time something like tht has happened then go and speak to your gp about it.... But sayin that it's more than likely and extra annoying palpiation due to anxiety.... As your said you've been checked out a few times.

Hope your feeling bettwr