View Full Version : Lower Back Pain

11-06-15, 22:02
Hello everyone,

I'm sure there have been a multitude of posts on here about lower back pain, but my anxiety is getting the best of me. I have had lower back pain on the left side for nearly a year now; it comes and goes, and has no real pattern to it. When it first began, I had an x-ray done which revealed nothing. As of recent, I have had an MRI done on my lower back, which also revealed nothing. I have also had a basic urine test done to see if it was something kidney related, and it all came back normal.

I also have pelvic pain on the left side (mostly), which may or may not be related. I've been to the OBGYN for that, and after performing an ultrasound, my ovaries and uterus appeared normal. I have had ovarian cysts before, but I don't know if that is related to any of the pelvic or back pain. My doctor seems to think it is muscular, but I have not had an injury to justify the pain and I am only 20, so I feel like if it were muscular, it would have healed by now. Of course my mind goes towards some type of cancer (ovarian, kidney, etc). Just wondering if anyone has had anything similar, and what was done about it. I just feel like I have this mystery illness that cannot be solved, or I have some terrible illness the doctors are missing.

Thank you so much.

12-06-15, 07:24
Getting a tight lower back is very common and it comes and goes. The simplest thing like bending over can trigger it.

Does your lower back feel tight when you squat down low and curve your back forward ? Sit on edge of bed,leaning opposite side to the pain and feel of it feels like the painful area is being stretched.

13-06-15, 16:34
No, my back doesn't feel particularly painful if I move one way or the other. It's just a constant ache, so that is why I have my doubts that it's muscular. I have injured my back before, but this type of pain is different.

Thank you for your reply!