View Full Version : Can't shake it.

12-06-15, 13:02
I can't see to get my head around that as far as anyone can tell I haven't got a illness that is gonna kill me. Started in October. Severe heartburn I thought was a heart attack long sorry short after a week went to docs heart fine all blood good but I did have h poli bacteria. Got pills for that but since then been convinced my heart is gonna fail and had a EKG with good results. On tablets for anxiety and waiting for CBT. Just sure I am gonna die and leave wife and kids alone.

12-06-15, 13:09
Can I ask what medication you were given for hpylori?
I assume antibiotics,but which?'

12-06-15, 13:14
Hi thanks for replying I had 3 sorts in the end as first pair didn't work. I can't remember the names sorry

12-06-15, 13:44
I will pm you re antibiotics