View Full Version : Aching arms and legs

12-06-15, 14:27
Hi everyone. I'm getting really worried. It all started last Thirsday when I came on my period I had aching legs, I immidetly panicked thinking it was some kind of cancer. The next day the pain had gone into my arms and so I rang my doctor who told me certain viruses can portray themselves like this and not to worry. I mentioned my fear of cancer and she was shocked and said no.
It has been just over a week and I still have these pains. My legs feel achy and stiff and heavy. My arms are achy and I'm getting the odd twinge in my finger and elbow. I am going back on Thursday but I'm thinking all sorts and I'm panicking. The pains are not constant but there a lot of the time. I also feel like doing things like washing up or holding my arms up too long makes the ache worse. I'm so scared about this, I may need a blood test but I'm petrified of test results. It kills me waiting for them.
I have a 1 year old as well and I hate her picking up on this.
Anyone who has had a similar situation or kind words would be comforting thank you

13-06-15, 12:46
No one?

13-06-15, 13:03
I have felt like this from anxiety loads of times, also if you have a 1 year old you must be pretty tired and stressed out.
It is the fear and thoughts that are keeping it going.
If your doctor wasn't concerned...
I'm sure you will be fine. Maybe you can mention your worries and panics to your doc.
Let us know how you get on x