View Full Version : I am so scared and drowning in fear

12-06-15, 14:42
I have posted a while back on the other forum but I just have to write again. I have never felt this scared before regarding any health related symptoms I have had. I am literally shivering at the moment. The fear is killing me. I am so scared that the moles on my groin area are malignant. I have not been checking the area before and because of my recent thrush infection, I really took a good look at the area. That was the time I discovered the moles. At most recent checkup with the dermatologist, he did not say anything, he might or might not notice them (or maybe my fault for not pointing it out to him).

Consulting Dr Google is really the worst thing to do now but I cannot stop it because I need reassurance. I am so scared, so very very scared. I will see another dermatologist soonest. But the fear of what if it turns out to be what I fear most? What if this time it is for real and not just my anxiety playing on me? I am so scared, so very scared. Does anyone has similar things - moles at the groin area? At the moment..I just do not know how to overcome this gripping fear...

12-06-15, 14:57
I have had moles all over my body, a lot of them I have had removed and tested and all ok.
Dermatologists notice anything unusual very quickly, so he would have noticed.
I had many sent away to be analized because they looked "suspicious" and all have been fine.
Do NOT google.
Go to another appointment if that will reassure you. I'm sure you'll be fine x

12-06-15, 15:32
Thank you for your kind response. I will be seeing another dermatologist as soon as I can. I just talked to my daughter whom I can share almost everything with. It helps to calm me down a bit. I have to stay away from Google.. I have to stop it. Thanks again for replying, appreciate it very much.

12-06-15, 16:42
Sorry you are feeling so scared; I know what it feels like (though not about moles.) I should think they are unlikely to malignant as not exposed to the sun in that area. I am sure you dermatologist would have seen them without you pointing them out if they were at all suspicious. All the best for your next appointment. It will be fine I think.

12-06-15, 17:04
I hope you feel better soon :) I am sure you will be ok and the things you are doing are the right ones. Its horrible when the anxiety gets you. Sending my best wishes


12-06-15, 17:21
Google is the worst thing to look at especially for moles i have recently been obsesing about cancerous moles, And google is what sent me wild, I saw that moles should be symetrical and shud been round or oral well i have a mole which is like a butterfly freckle, the dr said shes not worried about it at all becuase the pigementation of it is fine, So it shows you not to worry and think of google because not all of them symptoms mean you have malignant moles

Gary A
12-06-15, 17:36
You could literally have a 4 inch mole with raised irregular edges, numerous different colours, itching and bleeding and it could still be utterly benign. Google only tells you the things to look out for, simply because skin cancer is quite common yet if caught early, very easily cured.

The fact of the matter is, Google is a search engine, not a doctor. It only gives you what you ask for. If you type in "cancerous moles", it will show you cancerous moles, it'll describe them to you and what the signs of them are. What it won't do is present you with the vast array of different and very benign things that look like cancerous moles but aren't. Why? Well, because you didn't ask it to.

Its always advised to get changing moles checked, but even a very quickly changing mole doesn't necessarily mean it's cancerous, it just means it's behaving in a way that requires evaluation by someone who knows what to look for. In the vast vast VAST majority of cases, these moles are benign and utterly harmless.

That's the point here. Even if you have an ultra suspicious mole, the odds are still stacked very heavily in your favour of it being absolutely nothing to worry about.

12-06-15, 17:55
thats helped me alot gary by stern talking its the way to look at things instead with this health anxiety u live the symptoms of being told you have a dreadful disease, Also if you have a APPLE IPHONE, Download a app called skin vision its very helpful in detecting moles

12-06-15, 17:57
Also if you have a APPLE IPHONE, Download a app called skin vision its very helpful in detecting moles

I respectfully disagree with apps or any other self testing equipment as it just lends itself to feeding the dragon.

Positive thoughts

12-06-15, 18:13
true i suppose, i did check nearly every mole on my body that i physically could get lol

12-06-15, 23:40
I agree, I'd avoid the app. If it were me, it would be pandora's box for health anxiety. Nothing better than a doctor's opinion.

15-06-15, 10:16
Thank you very very much. I truly appreciate all the replies. They really helped to calm me down and to put some sanity back in my whirlwind mind. I will only be able to get an appointment with my dermatologist next week. If not for this forum I would be losing my mind already. I totally agree with the google thing - it is just like fueling the anxiety and in the end I will get burnt really bad. I did talk to my GP about my HA and his only advice was to stay away from google and not to be too obsessed with checking myself for all lumps, bumps, dots, etc. I also realized that this forum has many excellent positive stories, sharings, tips etc which I feel I should concentrate more on. I will take a deep breath, clear my mind and wait for my next appointment and not to be so obsessed and preoccupied with any minor symptoms I have. Thank you so much again for all your wonderful replies. Have a great week ahead to everyone.