View Full Version : Can I survive in a rough area?

13-06-15, 12:21
I'm agoraphobic and have massive anxiety and I'm currently having to look at places to move to that I can afford on my housing benefit and ESA as my current flat is extortionate and the landlord and letting agents are atrocious. I've been without a working oven or working heating for months!
I've found various cheaper places but the look of the area scares me to the point I imagine myself just staying up all night shaking with some kind of weapon close by or setting up fake camera systems and even getting a scary dog just to feel safe. I do feel quite stuck up when I say this stuff but streets where the floors are covered in weeds and there are cracks in the road and bits of rubbish on the floor and peoples bins still stood outside on the street 3 days after rubbish collection scare me. I feel like I'll just gt worse anxiety wise or just end up victim to some armed robbery or something. The back gardens all seem to lead on to alleys full of back gardens with broken washing machines in or a degrading mattress. I already neglect myself with my appearance, I do not want to turn into Frank Gallagher.

13-06-15, 16:33
I think that you will cope were ever you move too, but if you think outside the box you could just make a difference, you could move in and set a standard ie tidy up your front, plant some flowers, start up a neighbourly feeling.
Whatever happens you can set an example.
You could also consider moving out of the area completely or do you live near family?
Can you not apply to local housing associations or councils.

13-06-15, 16:38
I like Alexandria's advice about making a difference. It would also give you something to focus on that could help with taking your mind off how you are feeling.

14-06-15, 05:10
I think this is one of those "Yes and No" scenarios. I live in a typical working class area and if I want trouble, I could easily find it but I don't see much of it. So, I think in that kind of area it is less of an issue.

But if you are in a city with gang problems, drug problems, antisocial behaviour problems, etc then this is a tougher decision.

Whilst its offputting seeing rubbish like you have, it doesn't mean it is a crime-ridden area, just people of a mixture at the lower end of the wage bracket. Some may be lacking self respect, others won't.

It would be a good idea to find out more about the area by spending time passing through it when its busier to see what people are doing but with your being an agoraphobic I can see that being an issue so can someone else do this for you?