View Full Version : Blood blisters - cancer :(

13-06-15, 16:52

For the past 6 months I've been getting recurring blood blisters on the inside of my mouth around my cheek. I get 2 or 3 at the same time at least once a month.

I'm really scares this is the beginning of some kind of cancer. They don't hurt and I don't bite my cheeks often and they appear in places where you wouldn't bite.

Has anyone else had anything like this? When I google it just says mouth cancer. I don't drink much and I quite smoking 8 years ago. But I'm worried my smoking has caused this :(


13-06-15, 18:21
I've had these before, I just pop them then no more show up for a good while. Who knows how they get there but it is a sensitive place and the skin is thin and moist and you're constantly chewing and eating and drinking things. Personally I never really worried as mouth cancer wasn't something that even crossed my mind as they can be just burst and don't really occur in the same place. I wouldn't worry. If you do get them checked out though then please post your findings so I can understand them more but I'm pretty much 100% it's nothing serious at all.

13-06-15, 19:41
Please do not worry, I op had to tell myself not to worry about some sort of cancer lol, it's simply were ur mouth is still swollen front hitting it that it's reccuring , you could have a wisdom tooth or back tooth that catches on it when it's swollen try and eat slower and smaller mouth fills and do salt water rinses then ur soon break the habit and the anxiety will go