View Full Version : Please help

13-06-15, 17:01
I haven't posted much on its forum before, but really could do with advice on how to deal with ha. I was doing quite well for about a month and then all the sudden all the worries came back. My main health worries are blood clots due to pain in my leg, and chest related issues e.g p.e, as I get chest pain. I have been complaining about my leg since Jan and my chest since March. I've seen numerous doctors 1 of which is my regular Dr Who is very understanding of my anxiety, and they all assure me I'm fine. Last week I went To Dr about chedt was told it was fine, talked to her on the phone yesterday as I was panicky still told me I was fine, went to out of hours clinic today and still said I'm fine - why don't I feel fine?! My main issue is they never send me for tests. They listen to my chest and take my blood pressure etc. But never any xrays ecgs etc. Do you think I should insist on these tests? I just don't know how to feel better if I don't. The fear of dying literally prevents me from living my life. I just don't know how to cope with ha because it is so hard for me to ignore the pain

13-06-15, 18:12
They are obviously not concerned about your health so you should trust them but they should pick up on the fact that you need so much reassurance. You say your regular doc is nice, could you not talk to him/her about this fear of dying and ask if he can maybe offer some form of help?

13-06-15, 18:37
Thanks for replying, I do try and see that there not concerned but I just can't shake the fear due to the pain, I understand that chest can be due to anxiety but leg pain? My nice Dr did refer me to cbt therapy for 6 weeks which did help, but now I'm on a waiting list to see someone else as my therapist was a trainie and finished. I currently see my Dr 2-3 weeks to try and deal with all my symptoms. It helps so much at the time but two days later I'm back at square 1.

13-06-15, 19:00
I do fully understand because I have been through the same. Your leg pain could be from anxiety, from tensing your muscles and focusing on it.
The fact is that with health anxiety, when you get reassurance from your doc and you believe that what us wrong with your leg is not life threatening then another pain and fear will arise. So really what has to be treated is the health anxiety not the symptom.
I hope that didn't sound harsh, it is simply what I have learnt from my own HA.
I hope you can get to see a therapist soon that can help you feel better.
In the meantime I'm sending you :hugs:

13-06-15, 19:13
Thank you, yeah when I first started getting ha I started to realise that every time they reassured me about one thing a new symptom would occur. However for the last 6 months it's pretty much just been the leg and chest symptoms. I currently have quite a sharp pain behind my knee and am trying to not freak out! Thank you for your support, think my family are struggling to cope with me!

13-06-15, 19:25
That my family are struggling to cope with would be the understatement of the century :D:D
Bless them, they are so good but I am exhausting to live with :wacko: