View Full Version : Which Claire weeks book?

29-01-07, 15:10

Thanks to everyone who ahs responded to my posts in recent weeks sorry i havent been able to reply that much ive been busy trying to do coursework (Hard with anxiety)
Any way ive seen many people say claire weeks books are v.good so im gonna give them a try but my question is which one is best fpr me. Ill list my symptoms and hopefully you guys will be able to reccomend one to me. My symptoms are as follws

Fatigue (The sort you get if you have a lie in bed but i gt it even if i wake on time)
Dizziness / lightheadedness (I sort of feel like in in a dream its horrible)
Poor eyesight (Eyes go foggy / blurry) Very annoying
Feels like my muscles are tensing even though i dont think they actually are
Feels like in rising off the seat when m sitiing (Back arches)
Headaches (Again the sort you get if you lay in bed for too long)

Do you gys think these books might help? If anyone else has had similar symptoms what did you find helped? Do you think medication would help me?

Thanks guys ill try to respond as soon as possible


29-01-07, 15:27
I read claire weekes self help for your nerves book and it is very good for explaining why a lot of the symptoms are happening which can make you deal with them better give it a go it all takes time and acceptance for these symtoms to go hang in there carol[^]

29-01-07, 16:04
hi jarvfi yes i read self help for your nerves too like cazza,i found this really helpful because of the explaining of everything and telling you why it happens,i would definatley recommend as it helped me loads.take care tracy

29-01-07, 16:22
My recommended reading is on here...

Reading for sufferers of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=reading)


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30-01-07, 20:13
Well, just posted a big reply then lost it.:) To summarise:

I found Claire Weekes really helpful. I thought "Self Help for Your Nerves" was the best - I felt like she was sat beside me and for the first time someone knew how I felt. It's £5.39 on WHSmith's website - have it delivered to a local branch for free. I keep it at the side of my bed and bring it down with me in the morning. Check out the sale dvd's from WHS Jersey while your on there - Shrek 2 £2.30, Brokeback Mountain £2, Robots £2. Spent £50 last night.

I also print out stuff from web sites and read through them when I feel anxious. This site helped:

Hope this helps.

30-01-07, 22:05
Yep I've got "Self help for your nerves" and I've also got "Essential help for your nerves" which has got two books in once, "more self help for your nerves" and another. There's so much info in there I have got better by using.

Kind Regards,

30-01-07, 22:42
I'd agree. Self Help For Your Nerves is the best starting point in my opinion.

Should be standard issue on the school reading list as well I reckon. It'd save alot of grief later!

30-01-07, 22:58
Spuds - that is a coincidence cos all of those are on my site!!!

How to cope with Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=coping)


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People will forget what you did
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