View Full Version : Weird left side feelings ruining my life :( convinced I have MS or worse! Please help

13-06-15, 22:31
My story is a very long one and I thank you firstly if you mange to get through it all.

Basically my health anxiety started when my mum passed away very suddenly. Since then I've feared probbaly up to 25 different illnesses.

My latest and recurring fear is a neurological desease.

I had a migraine with aura (where the whole left side of my body gets pins and needles) and thought I was having a stroke.
This was ruled out as my speech and everything was fine.

Since the migraine (about 3 years ago) I've experienced on and off weird symptoms.

Left side facial tingling
Left side face perceived drooping (when I look in the mirror it's fine)
Left side eye perceived drooping (again jut feels like it)
Left eye dryness and blurring sometimes
Lack of feeling in my left fingers
Feeling extremely detached from own body
Feeling like my hand doesn't belong to me
My left arm feels weaker
Feeling brain fog and difficultly concentrating.
Feeling like the left side of my body doesn't belong to me.

These symptoms always arise when I freak out about my health. But they last for months or weeks at a time and are always there even when I don't feel anxious on that day. Even on holiday lying on a beach :(

I've managed to get rid of them before and been symptomless for months and up to a year. But now they're back and is keep thinking it's just the 'desease' attacking my body more.

I've seen GPs - all say it's anxiety.
I've seen nuerologists - say it's a form of anxiety or my nervous system is mimicking the migraine.
I've had a brain MRI that came back ok.
Seen optitions who say my eyes are fine.

The fear is ruining my life.
I feel like I can't think straight and so awful.
It's hard not to google. Even typing in 'limbs feel like they don't belong to me' points to MS or something :(

The ridiculous thing is I'm currently sitting here with a broken leg. A very real problem and it's all this I'm scared about :( please help!

14-06-15, 10:11
I would believe the neurologists. I have migraines also. My aura is visual though, but yours sounds like it's paresthesia.

The other thing is, a lot of these are also symptoms of anxiety, especially the feeling detached from your own body. I know when you start googling you will be drawn to the most negative results, but googling 'limbs feel like they don't belong to me' should lead you to derealization/depersonalization, not MS. You will also learn that derealization/depersonalization are symptoms of anxiety.

If it's migraines, I've had them come back for weeks at a time. I've also not had them for a year at a time. Migraines are common and usually just annoying depending on how you feel about them.

If it's anxiety, well now you know.

Either way, it doesn't sound like some terrible disease. You are OK.

14-06-15, 21:44
Thank you for your reply.

Does anyone else get this? The lack of replies worries me :(

14-06-15, 22:58
You're asking for reassurance from non-medical people.

Medical professionals say:

I've seen GPs - all say it's anxiety.
I've seen nuerologists - say it's a form of anxiety or my nervous system is mimicking the migraine.
I've had a brain MRI that came back ok.
Seen optitions who say my eyes are fine.

You're posting on an anxiety forum....

Positive thoughts

16-06-15, 11:09
I don't get your reply? I know I'm asking for reassurance isn't that the point of this board? Pointing that out isn't very helpful.

16-06-15, 12:55
I don't get your reply? I know I'm asking for reassurance isn't that the point of this board? Pointing that out isn't very helpful.

The best reassurance you can get is from medical science. Pointing that out is the most helpful thing to do and holds more weight than anyone here could say or affirm. The act of reassurance seeking is a hallmark HA trait. It's like crack to an addict. It may help for a short time but the fear always returns or is replaced by another.

While there is a certain comfort in knowing that there are others that feel as you do and there is a certain cathartic benefit in writing out your concerns and fears, the forum can have a negative effect as well in that it causes you to give life and focus on the symptoms and fears.

The first two words of the site are "No More". Whether it's "No More Panic", "No More GAD", "No More HA" or "No More (fill in the blank)". That, IMO, was the intention of the forum creators. A place where people can relate and get help. It's evolved into something different.

The point is to get better so that the illness you do have doesn't continue to control your life. The point is to do the pro-active things to get you there. If you want reassurance, then yes...every one of the symptoms you describe can be found HERE (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) and they're anxiety related. And yes, you're posting on an anxiety forum so somewhere deep down you know that's the real issue, not MS or some sinister cause.

Positive thoughts