View Full Version : Sense of impending DOOM...

14-06-15, 06:38
It's been a while since I've dealt with this one, but it's come back on me recently.
I'm planning a major lifestyle change in the upcoming year. I'm going to be living in a shortbus and traveling the country, which is really, really exciting for me. But I think that the new, uncertain territory that I am broaching woke the anxiety dragon a little bit.
I have this sense that I am going to die very soon, or at least find that I have a terminal illness. Other than an abnormal pap smear about half a year back, I seem to be in very good health. I'm only 21 years old. There are no terminal illnesses that strike the younger folks in my family. But I just have this awful, dank, dark feeling of dread.
I know that it's just anxiety. I've been down this road before. It's not much more likely that I am about to die than it is that any of my friends are about to die, or my brother, or my guinea pig. Still, it tints everything with this macabre stench of fear.
Anyone else dealing with this right now?

14-06-15, 08:57
I am not dealing with it now but I have in the past and it can be awful and really dreadful especially as the feeling follows you around. I am sure once you start your new adventure you will be fine, better then fine I should imagine you will be on a real natural high at times, I think all new ventures cause our doubts/anxieties and fears to flare up massively, especially if we are prone to anxiety. I would for the moment try your best to get it into perspective on what you are trying to achieve because it is a credit to you that you have the adventurous attitude you have :) I hope you feel better soon :):)

14-06-15, 10:43
Youdontknowme, I have a health problem and wouldn't be able to that, but I am soooo jealous, it sounds great!!! I would love to be able to do something like that.
So enjoy it because you are young and fit x

14-06-15, 10:52
So, do you think this is some anticipatory anxiety with a fear of change & uncertainty just building up maybe? Its a big change and there are going to be lots of unknowns which is part of the fun of it and it could really help you with anxiety in the long run from this experience so I say go for it!!!

Can you engage in activities that will somehow create positive thoughts about this journey? Like what drew you to it in the first place?

But don't get watching things like Wrong Turn right now! :scared15::D

14-06-15, 11:54
I've just moved on to a narrow boat which has kicked off my anxiety despite it being the most tranquil place ever. Big changes always tend to do this to anxiety sufferers but it will pass and I bet you'll have an amazing time!

15-06-15, 07:22
Thanks for all of the thoughts, guys! Except for the sneaky one that was trying to lure me into buying products, haha.
It's good to hear such encouragement.
It's so easy to get caught up in worrying about what could go wrong, but perhaps I ought to re-gear my thoughts toward a more positive end. I mean, yeah, a lot could go wrong, but a lot could also go right.
Of course I could come down with some terminal illness, but that's just part of being human. There's no use obsessing about it.
This will be such a huge adventure! Quitting the nine to five and seeing the country. I'll finally be free my soul crushing job. I'll get out of this tiny, rural county. Then who knows where I'll go from there, who I'll meet, what I'll see. There's so many mountains to climb and oceans to dip my toes into. Maybe I'll even find true love, eh? Haha.
Besides, there's tons and tons to learn about the traveling lifestyle. It can be dangerous, but so long as one has discernment and know-how, it can also be incredibly innovative and lively. You guys are right.
I should focus on how exciting this is rather than how anxious is makes me. There's lots more to focus on, too, like bus hunting, blue prints for modding it, etc. etc. I ought to have enough to get one within my next paycheck or two :D Just talking about it is already making the dread abate.
Thanks again, guys. It always helps to talk things out on here.
Oh, and Terry, no horror movies. I promise.

15-06-15, 12:37
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