View Full Version : Update on my sleep issues...

14-06-15, 11:16
Well as many of you know I'm withdrawing from Trazodone which I've been on for just over 3 months. Have reduced from 50mg to 35 (dropping 5 a week). This last week had been dreadful sleep wise. I've had literally one night on one night off. Last night was great but the night before I probably got an hour.

Yesterday we were going to a show in London, initially I though there was no way I could go after such a bad night. (We live half an hour from London). Then I decided it would be worse sitting at home alone as my head was pounding and I felt sick, like I had a virus.

Long story short I went, the distraction did me good but I was so glad to be home last night!

Today I'm not sleep deprived but feel foggy and woke with a headache - I guess this is all part of the withdrawal. I think I might have to stay on 35 another week so as not to go down too fast as although I've been coping with the lack of sleep yesterday was just awful!

Hope I don'thave to go through that again...!

14-06-15, 11:31
Hi Crystal,

Tough week for you by the sounds of it. I'm glad you managed you get out though for for show. Did that help take your mind off it a bit?

Trazodone has a pretty short half life of 10-12 hours and the time it takes a drug to reach "steady-state" in the body is 4-5 half lives. After this point a drug is either all the way in or all the way out, so you could make sure your reductions are always beyond that point and see how you feel from there but slow & steady is usually the best and they tend to advise 10% reductions anyway.

14-06-15, 12:13
Hi Terry yes it did take my mind off it, had to do lots of 7/11 breathing during the journey on the train and when I first got into the theatre but loved the show! Then afterwards we went to eat and I felt pretty rough and hurried everyone up to go home.

I'm not very clued up on half lives what does it mean exactly? How long does that mean it takes to be 'all the way in' or out? Sorry if I sound a bit ignorant!

Ps next time you look around you in a theatre don't assume everyone is feeling fine! I know that no one looking at me yesterday would've had a clue as to how I was feeling! Just shows you you never know what people are going through..!

14-06-15, 12:43
Half life is just the point at which half of the drug is in your system.

When you start a drug it takes 4-5 of those half lives (with you taking it daily) to reach steady state, the point at which it is working or supposed to be. The same when you stop taking something except it would be 4-5 half lives from the last dose.

So, when you taper its a good idea to be over this threshold so your body is adjusting e.g. 12 X 5 = 60 hours.

Obviously some drugs are much more powerful as to give a fast or immediate action hence don't need to reach stay state such as Benzodiazapenes or other drugs used for other reasons than mental health.

I know what you mean about the theatre. You never know how people are. I do see people walking around supermarkets with headphones with their trollies and wonder if they have anxiety issues as that's a known self help one and I find some people's mannerisms show it e.g. unable to look at people but other than that I have idea and try top represent that image myself.

14-06-15, 14:43
Thanks Terry I am enlightened! :) I was thinking yesterday I wonder if anyone here (at the theatre) feels bad, not necessarily from lack of sleep but for whatever reason, even if its a hangover.

I'm sure in an audience of thousands I wasn't the only one!

And I counted myself lucky really because my problems are all sleep related, and if I can sort that I think I'll be ok. There could be a lot worse going on!

I need to be telling myself that at 3am I think...!

14-06-15, 14:54
hi ive just joined and im on diazepam and gabaplentil, does anyone have experience of this medication

14-06-15, 17:40
hi ive just joined and im on diazepam and gabaplentil, does anyone have experience of this medication

Hi I would post this as a separate thread as not sure how many people will see it on here x

14-06-15, 18:46
Well done for going out and not letting it stop you from having fun.hopefully you will be fine reducting it slowly ..i hope you get some good sleep soon..and like you say,there must of been others out that night that felt a bit crap..you are not alone.

14-06-15, 20:02
Thanks greg, I hope it settles down soon! Played tennis today and then went for a long run/walk so I hope tonight will be good. So fed up of thinking about it all tbh!

How are you doing now?

14-06-15, 20:23
Crystal i bet your fedup with it,,,it drains you and makes bedtime stressful,maybe the exoursize today will tyer you out for tonight,fingers crossed for you..im ok ish.had my daulter round for the night last night and had a lovely time with her.we done so much together.she went home today at 6pm.but now she has gone i feel so flat and lonely without her.she left a lovely letter on my draw that she wrote while i was sleeping.beautuful words..i miss her so much now and just watching crap tv now on my own..back to feeling depressed and anxious now

14-06-15, 20:45
Ah greg that must be hard but try to think of the positive side of it that it went so well and you'll have lots of other good times to look forward to.

How sweet that she wrote you a letter while you slept, she must really think a lot of you!

Try to hold on to those lovely memories. :)

14-06-15, 21:10
Thanks.yes i do have lots of great memories.she is very sweet..i love her so much

---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 21:09 ----------

She has had a tough time since i left two years ago

14-06-15, 21:28
Great that you can support each other now. Hold on to these good times. :)

14-06-15, 22:08