View Full Version : Anyone had sweating much more under one armpit?

14-06-15, 14:55
My symptom that started 2 weeks ago is not getting better at all. I am constantly sweating much more under right armpit and I find it even more disturbing that online on anxiety forums I can't find a single person with similar issue.

And all ppl who did have smth like that, asked on some medical forums and were advised to see neurologist and they never appeared again which makes me think it was smth serious.

15-06-15, 01:30
I don't know much about it to be honest. I may just be that they didn't appear again because it was simple and they got it fixed - if they had more problems, logically they'd be on the forums again, asking for advice and support.

Have you mentioned it to your doctor? I know they have prescription deodorants for similar issues, so it's not terribly uncommon.

15-06-15, 03:12
This is going to sound a bit strange but do you press that arm more against your body? I notice that when I'm anxious and sometimes even when I think I am not I keep my right arm really stuck to my body and my hand tightly closed.
I have never looked into wether I sweat more on that side but because of all this I bet I do.

15-06-15, 10:25
I personally haven't had this but a friend of mine showed me a few years ago how he sweats a lot from one armpit but hardly at all from the other (it made sense in the context!).

He's fine so I don't think it's anything seriously worrying, but if you feel that you should, you can always see your doctor.

15-06-15, 10:32
This is going to sound a bit strange but do you press that arm more against your body? I notice that when I'm anxious and sometimes even when I think I am not I keep my right arm really stuck to my body and my hand tightly closed.
I have never looked into wether I sweat more on that side but because of all this I bet I do.

Yes, I tend to do that as well. So, the sweat is more pronounced on that side.

I wonder if its connected to the whole right or left handed issue in our brains?

---------- Post added at 10:32 ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 ----------

And all ppl who did have smth like that, asked on some medical forums and were advised to see neurologist and they never appeared again which makes me think it was smth serious.

I wouldn't read into that. We get new people on here all the time who post once and never return. Sometimes members takes breaks too and people wonder where they are but they come back when they are ready or have resolved other factors that meant they had to prioritise their real lives over forums.

These people might have gone to other forums instead or seen a doctor who had put their fears to rest hence they don't bother going any further with it and unless they can be bothered to post again for other peoples future reference, you never see them again.

15-06-15, 12:34
Thank you guys for taking time to answer me.

I am not sure if I press more right hand...I don't think so.

I was never a sweater really, and, I don't think I would pay much attention to it if it wasn't for freaking Google and its explanation that it is smth neurological.

My therapist told me that if I had tumor or lesion, sweating would be constant. That unfortunately doesn't make too much sense to me :(

15-06-15, 13:15
My therapist told me that if I had tumor or lesion, sweating would be constant. That unfortunately doesn't make too much sense to me :(

I'm going to try one more time to explain that statement and why it's 100% true. I'll do so from my personal experience.

I had H&N cancer. While we never found the primary site, it spread to the lymph nodes in my neck. At first it was just a swollen gland I found when I had a sinus infection, nothing I hadn't had before. I was given meds, the infection waned but the gland remained, hard, immovable, no pain.

As another month went by and another round of antibiotics did nothing, the gland grew, hard, immovable and painless. By the time I had been diagnosed and prior to surgery, 6 months after I first noticed it, it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck. Still no real pain BUT... the tumors had grown to the point that they were pressing on structures inside my neck and I was beginning to feel quite uncomfortable and unwell. That little node (less than 1cm) had grown and spread into two 5+cm cancerous tumors.

The point being it grew and spread. If in fact there was a tumor or lesion causing the sweat glands in your one armpit to malfunction, it would not come and go... PERIOD! Once it got to the point of causing an issue, the issue would progress and get worse. Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It does not come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Keep working on therapy and disarm the irrational thoughts that consume your thinking.

Positive thoughts

15-06-15, 14:09
I am truly sorry that you had cancer, I hope you are okay now. I guess all topics seem pretty trivial to you right now compared to that, as they should.

I also know that symptoms of cancer doesn't just come and go but my point always is that my pronounce sweating under right armpit isn't coming and going. Whenever I am sweating I am sweating more under right armpit. Just when I am not sweating there is no sweat on either side.

So, that is my concern, that my symptoms are not really stopping. When I sweat, I sweat more under right side, when I don't sweat, well, no sweat means I can't sweat more on right side.

15-06-15, 14:46

Resigned thoughts

15-06-15, 15:57
What resigned thoughts mean ? :D

15-06-15, 16:11
What resigned thoughts mean ? :D

With all due respect, it means you're in a HA spiral that no amount of logic and reassurance can help.The very symptom and worry itself is irrational from a sinister disease aspect as well. That's why there's nothing even on Google!
So I resign myself in knowing I've done my best in trying to help and leave you to it.

Best of luck and as always

Positive thoughts

26-06-15, 15:45
Update :

I went to dermatologist 3 days ago. She tested for bacteria and it was found that I have staphylococcus, enterococcus and klebsiella pneumonie in large number all under my armpit.

I was given oral and topical antibitiotics.

Maybe excessive sweating was because of this infection, not quite sure. We will see in a week or so.

27-06-15, 00:34
Yay, that's good news!

I think Fishmanpa was trying to say (and correct me if I'm wrong!) that if you really had a problem, you wouldn't ever stop sweating. Your glands would not be able to appropriately respond to the "I'm hot" or "I'm not hot" signals and so you'd just constantly have sweat there. As it was, your glands were responding correctly, just more on one side which isn't necessarily dangerously abnormal.

Here's to hoping the antibiotics clear the problem up for you.

27-06-15, 01:00
Yay, that's good news!

I think Fishmanpa was trying to say (and correct me if I'm wrong!) that if you really had a problem, you wouldn't ever stop sweating. Your glands would not be able to appropriately respond to the "I'm hot" or "I'm not hot" signals and so you'd just constantly have sweat there. As it was, your glands were responding correctly, just more on one side which isn't necessarily dangerously abnormal.

Here's to hoping the antibiotics clear the problem up for you.

Exactly!.... If a cancerous tumor were the cause, he would be sweating non-stop!

While I'm sure it's uncomfortable, it's not sinister and the meds will clear it up.

Positive thoughts