View Full Version : Please help me, feeling hopeless, I have no one.

14-06-15, 15:33
Hi everyone,

I was doing so well, with ending this ALS fear. The twitching continues, everywhere, in my throat, lips, legs, hands, fingers etc. I was growing to accept this... but then I started experiencing weird dryness in my throat, sometimes it feels like its hard to talk.. sometimes I feel fine.

Last night, I think I experienced nasal regurgitation... I took a shot of alcohol with my friends and I felt the burn in my throat but also in my nose... this has never happened to me before. Nasal regurgitation is a definite sign of ALS. I feel lost, I don't know who to turn to. My family gets mad at me and says i'm just crazy, its my OCD. My boyfriend used to be supportive but my OCD has pushed him away, and now he gets mad at me every time I express a fear as well. I have no support. I am lost. I don't want to die and become a vegetable. My doctor also thinks I am a hypochondriac so I am scared to go to him about my worries.

PLEASE someone offer me some support, I feel absolutely lost and alone.


14-06-15, 18:38
It sounds like your going through alot of stress, do you know how rare als really is? Did you even know what it was until the ice bucket challenge? you dont have Als because your telling your head that you might have it and your worried and fears are taking over telling yourself you dont want to waste away and miss out on your life and be a cabbage, your boyfriend is obviously just bored and sick of you saying it now , exactly the same as my mrs is with me, Its just its horrible i suffer from major health worrys mainly worrying about cancer, and i know deep down im being stupid, But im sure the mind can be so powerful that it makes you believe your fears, and the more you believe it the more you focus on things couple of years back i had throat cancer anxiety i would feel every shot or beer or fizzy drink or spicy food and gett tight strangling sensation and saw 6 doctors all said i was fine, and until i had the camera through the throat and said im fine, i was a wreck but as soon as i knew i didnt have it i stopped becoming so focused on my throat and now i never think of it now i have gone to mouth cancer and skin cancer lol anxiety is evil i have only just gone doctors for help with anxiety this week am on my third days tablets citalpram 20mg and scheduled cbt therapy to help. Im here to chat if u need help i know sometimes it does help to speak to some 1 but u need to know you dont have ALS so dont worry lol

14-06-15, 19:09
Feeling a shot in the back of your throat and nose is not nasal regurgitation in the least. Ever have real moonshine? Talk about burn! No way at all this relates to ALS (and drinking is not a good thing to be doing in light of your mental state).

Seek help with your anxiety. It appears everyone knows that's the real issue but you (perhaps ask yourself why you're posting on this forum).

Positive thoughts

14-06-15, 21:17

You do have someone, you have me. I won't shrug off your fears. There is a long technical explanation why anxiety can cause any type of symptom, in fact it can interfere with how your body works. Hypothalamus is the part of your brain that controls how your body works. It uses memory for answers. ALS is in your memory. Anxiety directs Hypothalamus to use that part of memory instead of logic memory. This is a fixed path and is going to happen with anxiety. It can be controlled in time period with positive thought though. It can be eliminated in time.

14-06-15, 21:49
I get weird burning in the nose sometimes. I've drunk water before and it's gone up my nose by accident so I'm sure alcohol is extremely common to do that. If it's a strong shot you'll feel it up your nose. :) don't worry.

A good thing to keep in mind is 'the simplist explanation is the right one'

Which is a good theory. So try not to overreact in your mind. Honestly I do it ALL the time. Sitting here with a broken leg and I'm sure I will get a blood clot even though I'm on anticoagulants.

You will be fine :) honestly please try to relax. I know it's impossible but anxiety produces all the worst kind of symptoms. I have half my body feeling numb and weak at the moment. It also mimics what you fear the most.

I hope your ok I understand the pain your suffering. Xxx

17-06-15, 23:45
I am so glad to read your post and realize I am not the only person with this fear. This has been a recurring HA issue I struggle with. First it started about 4 years ago when I noticed I had a tremor in both my hands (I was 25 at the time). I had just about every test done, saw a neuro, everything was fine. He wanted me to increase my klonopin to twice a day. After months of finally just getting over that fear I was ok for a little bit. Then the twitching started in my feet. This had never happened and was clearly not normal. I felt panic 24/7. I knew I was on deaths door. I went to my gp, saw a neuro. Everyone said it was fine. No joke my feet twitched for like a year. I pretty much just got use to the twitching. They still do it sometimes. Since then I have worried off and on about all sorts of things. But ALS seems to be what I fixate on. The other day I woke up with my right hand hurting.. cramping.. aching.. then it went to my left. It hasn't gone away. I went to my dr today and told her I was afraid I had ALS. She laughed and said It's a possibility but I highly doubt it. This had sent me over the edge. Just the word possibility made me want to throw up. I have no "clinical weakness" just aching at the time. But IIA paranoid I am going to wake up and have weakness in my hands. My boyfriend and family are sick of it too, and they always tell me I am crazy (I am very aware of this) however they don't understand what it is like to live with health anxiety. If I could just turn it off I would, but I haven't been able to.

18-06-15, 10:13
I 100% get that alcohol burn in my nose too sometimes! When you think about it, if you're doing a shot of something really strong which normally tastes really vile and will definitely make your throat burn, it's likely gonna make your nose burn too as its all connected and also they normally smell bad haha. I haven't actually heard of nasal regurgitation till now but it doesn't sound like that's what it is?
Please try and think rationally lovely, and see it for what it is- some little random thing that's normal. I understand feeling alone because of HA, I REALLY do. But you're not alone. I hope you've managed to calm down a bit <3