View Full Version : tightning

14-06-15, 17:14
Hi does anyone get a pain an tightening in the middle of your chest?
I have it now keep thinking I'm having heart attack!
What else could it be?

14-06-15, 17:42
hi, im new. but you sound as if youve got anxiety, ive experienced same symptoms when something worrying me

14-06-15, 18:20
Yer I have anxiety an depression but I can't help thinking its something to do with my heart im not worrying about anything its really scaring me!

14-06-15, 18:29
Hi Kim when my anxiety is bad I can get a pressure feeling in the middle of my chest and it is scary but I know it is anxiety now. Some days it was really bad, I hope you find a way relax I am sure it is ok but always see the doc to get reassurance and run it passed them, I did it was scary to talk about it but I am so glad I did as it was checked out and I was told it was fine. There are so many symptoms of anxiety that it is confusing as different ones cropped up for me at different times the chest one was scary so I can really empathise Hope you feel better soon :)


14-06-15, 19:13
Hi thanks, I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow I have been okish for awhile so thought I was getting over it then this crops up seem to get pains in my arms an legs now aswel!

14-06-15, 19:29
Hi Kim just remember to discuss all of your fears with the doctor (I know its hard when you are feeling anxious) maybe write a list? List all of your symptoms? That way you can get the reassurance and also give you peace of mind? I hope all goes well tomorrow anxiety is an awful thing but getting that help and reassurance is a good step :)

15-06-15, 02:17

I get the tightening feeling as well when my anxiety is at it's worst. I am pretty sure it's just anxiety getting to you. Good luck at the doctor...take a list of questions so they can ease your mind.

15-06-15, 04:14
I'm having the tightening right now. It is the absolute worst!

15-06-15, 16:29
Yip I have it at the mo! I know its just anxiety as the second I calm down, the pain and feeling lessens but its so hard to calm down when there's any strange sensation in your chest! Mine goes around to my upper back too.