View Full Version : heart attack I'm sure

14-06-15, 22:32
Hi I know iv already said this but I'm convinced I'm going to have an heart attack I'm getting pains in my chest my arms neck an back I'm terrified I'm thinking about ringing 999, am I been stupid? Please help!

14-06-15, 22:49
With all due respect, having had two heart attacks, bypass surgery and stents, you would not be here asking opinions and posting if this were a heart attack.

Positive thoughts

15-06-15, 02:14
I am worried about this at the moment as well. I am having some sharp pains in both sides of my chest off and on.

Could the pp please tell me...did you have any pains/warning signs before your heart attack?

15-06-15, 11:28

Heart attacks take many forms but I must stress as others on admin have said that we are not doctors.

I don't want to advise or scare you.Just go to your doctor and get reassurance that in all probability it is anxiety.

17-06-15, 23:40
I have this all the time. Mine last for hours and freak me out. I hate them. In my mind, it is the worst anxiety symptom as I really think I'm having a heart attack.

It's stress. Even though I know this I still think I'm having heart problems (despite having had all different types of tests). I try to distract myself.

17-06-15, 23:44
Its really awful isn't it, I think its the worse to! I try an distract myself but most of the time it doesn't work!

17-06-15, 23:50
Yes, it takes ages for the chest pains to go away. Like now, I had pain for the last few hours and it sends me into a panic attack. Do you get chest tightness as well as the pain?

Walking helps me as I think I must not be having a heart attack if I can walk. However, it's hard when you have this in the middle of the night.

18-06-15, 23:40
Yes I get tightness aswel I know deep down its not an heart attack but when it comes on I get so worked up about it its really scary!