View Full Version : newbie!

29-01-07, 18:45
Hello there, just been reading a few posts and thought I'd introduce myself. I'm 34 and have had panic attacks one and off since I was 17. At the moment they're very much 'on' and I'm struggling. My big thing is enclosed spaces... hate them! Lifts, tubes, trains, busses, ferries, planes and even sitting in the backs of cars.

I've been trying things recently...took the train yesterday (ok, only 1 stop and with my Mum!) and a bus today (on my own) but I still find it SO hard to sit quietly and feel my fear. I'm full of good intentions and pieces of paper that tell me to accept the feelings, they're not harmful, nothing bad's going to happen etc etc but EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!

I feel so powerless and I think that's what is most depressing.

Anyways, look forward to meeting you all....
Love sweets.x

29-01-07, 18:47
Hi Sweets

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

29-01-07, 19:17
A warm welcome to you sweetpea (lovely name too)!! Sounds like you are doing everything right to keep up the good work, its hard but the rewards are bountiful!!!

You will find everyone here most helpful and friendly xxx

Luv Pinky

29-01-07, 19:21
Hi Sweets,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

29-01-07, 19:24
hi sweets and welcome you will get loads of advice and help here,i suffered with alot of the things you mention and still do sometimes,you sound that your doing the right thing trying to overcome the things you mention,keep at it and things should get easier.takecare and good luck tracy

29-01-07, 22:12
Hi Sweets,

A big warm welcome to you.

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

29-01-07, 23:01
Hi Sweetpea welcome to nmp the lifesaver site
Mazz x

29-01-07, 23:23
Hi SweetPea

And a BIG warm welcome to you. lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:D



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

30-01-07, 08:25
Ah, thank you everyone! Lovely welcome...feel amongst friends already! I do think you really have to have experienced panic attacks to empathise. Most of my friends and family are helpful but have no real idea what I'm going through. I sometimes see this 'look' on their faces when I tell them the highlight of my day was I managed to stay on the bus all the way home! They mean well but don't really understand what it's like and I don't expect them too. S'cuse the waffle but it just feels good to hear from people who just get it!

Today's challenge is the bus to a friend's and home. Sounds simple to most...
What I'm beginning to realise (taken me a long time!) is the only way to deal with this is feeling it and getting used to feeling it. Small steps, one at a time and be prepared to go back 2 spaces evey now and then....It's not easy but I want my life back and I'm sick and tired of 'what if'....

I'll let you know how it goes!

30-01-07, 08:31
Hi Sweet,

Good luck with the bus journey today and let us know how you get on. You can do it. xxx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

30-01-07, 12:40
Hi Sweets

Welcome to the site. As you can see you have had lots of helpful replies already.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

31-01-07, 00:50
Hi Sweets

just like to say welcome and i'm sure you will find help on this site as i have.

I have similar things up with me where i cant travel on public transport without getting panic symtoms. I do the breathing exercises and everything to try and keep myself together, but like you say it's really hard.

Anyway just letting you know your not on your own.


31-01-07, 10:52
Thank you again...
Yesterday's bus journey was fine... it's only about 10 mins and it wasn't in the rush hour so not too busy.

The next step is a bus journey I know I don't want to do as you have to go on the motorway for about 5 minutes where you really can't get off! Even just writing it down makes my heart race!

Will try on Friday as I'm at work today and tomorrow.

Thanks for your support...

31-01-07, 13:36
Hi Sweets

Welcome to the forum you will find very resuring and get great support, great to read your bus journey went ok it must of been hard for you to do it on your own.

When my panic/anxiety was really bad i wouldn't go anywhere on my own.

linda x