View Full Version : So sick of being scared - lump on leg

15-06-15, 20:48
Hello. I'll try to keep this to the point as I could go on for days.

I don't speak German but I'm currently living in Germany. This makes speaking to doctors difficult.

Last November I found a lump on the back of my knee, sort of at the very top of the back of my calf. It was the size of a pea, sort of firm and smooth, just under the skin. I can push it around a bit and when my leg bends it is no longer palpable - it can't be felt at all. If I stand solely on my affected leg for a few seconds it becomes more prominent and visible. I saw a doctor the following day who sent me for a vascular ultrasound to rule out DVT as I had flown two days before. That was clear so I made a regular appointment for a general examination. The next doctor had no answers but said I should have an MRI to see if it came up. The MRI eventually happened and the doctor could not spot the lump - this got a bit lost in translation - he clearly said 'not a tumour' but could not actually tell me what it was. Possibly a bakers cyst is what I got from him (he also had a look himself on a regular ultrasound but could not see the lump though he could feel where it was).

I'd had enough at that point so I just tried to get on with things. 8 months since I discovered it and it has not grown though that area does ache now and again. Recently I saw a dermatologist for something else and showed it to him. He said it wasn't a bakers cyst but again, he didn't know what it was. Possibly a lump of scar tissue. He said it would be an awkward area to have it removed from - something to do with the nerves, though again the language barrier blurred things a bit.

As you can imagine, with health anxiety, not a day has gone by in these 8 months where I haven't felt the lump and worried about it.

Please, if anyone can talk me down from the sarcoma ledge I would be very grateful. I am going back to the UK in late August and will finally see an English doctor about it, but I really need some reassuring words. I'm pretty sure that if it hasn't grown in 8 months it's unlikely to be an issue but I'm so sick of worrying.

15-06-15, 21:08
I think if doctors had been concerned they would have found a way to get that info to you without it getting lost in translation.
Do you not know anybody who could go with you to translate?

16-06-15, 07:22
My husband was there to translate but German is not his first language and so it was a mix between his translations and the doctor's English. Both doctors did not seem to think it needed further examination but when pressed they could not tell me what it was or understand why it was important to me to know exactly what it is.