View Full Version : Angina worries

16-06-15, 08:54
Have suffered with ongoing chest aches/pain for 18 months now, basically since I was made redundant and started a new job. In between, had bowel problems which I convinced myself were cancer and got myself in a terrible state, in which the chest pains didn't seem to bother me as I was concentrating on cancer. Bowel tests revealed nothing and then settled again but now chest pain is at the forefront all the time. Just after I started the new job, I ended up in a&e one morning and they took bloods, ecg, chest xray and all were okay and didn't refer for further tests. About two years ago, I had a treadmill test and ecg and heart echo and all were okay. Now though, am convinced I have angina but I don't know whether it's psychological because I can walk up and down 3 flights of stairs no problem, don't suffer from breathlessness at all but find it hard to walk up to the shops in my lunch hour from the office without feeling a sort of dull ache and then sometimes a sort of indigestion type feeling in my upper back and chest. I am currently suffering from terrible upper back tightness and shoulder and neck stiffness and go for massages and the therapist says it could be all connected. The bottom line is, I can't go for tests...they absolutely terrify the life out of me to the point I would rather just not know after what I put my family through with the bowel cancer worries. They are sick of my constant HA and are very unsympathetic. I am a 58 year old post menopausal woman, normal BP, no cholesterol problem, not overweight with no family history of heart trouble but I guess that doesn't always matter. I am sick of living like this. My 84 year old mother wants to go on a cruise again and she has all sorts of health problems but I am too anxious to even consider it as if I have a heart attack on board, I may not be treated in time. I am just starting CBT but to be honest, I think I am wasting my time and maybe just have to accept that this is the way I am and always will be. I have been like this in some form or another since I was a child and both my parents used to be anxious people. I just wish I could be like others and go to the doctors and just get tests but the state I get myself in isn't worth it. Would ecg/bloods etc. last time have picked enough of a problem up? I made myself walk quick into the office from the car park to try and prove I was okay but I was in a state when I did it so maybe the adrenaline kicked in and saved me from the real pain. I would so love to go on this cruise and relax for two whole weeks without being the neurotic silly woman I am.:weep:

16-06-15, 11:01
I completely understand your pain. More often than not the fear of an illness with anxiety will actually prevent us from living our life to begin with. I'm due to go to the Canary Islands this August yet I've somewhat managed to convince myself that something terrible is going to happen on the plane. I think it's unlikely that you have angina however it's always better to get checked out (be safe than sorry). When anxiety gets out of control you can make yourself be susceptible to anything your body is telling you which in turn leads to a health anxiety circle, anxiety sucks but you'll be ok. X