View Full Version : Really scared!!! urgently need advice

16-06-15, 09:29
Hi there,

I am new to all this and feel maybe if I spoke to people who also suffer from health anxiety it may help me. I will give you my story of what is scaring me at the moment. On May 4th this year I had severe acid burning sensation at my upper abdominal with constipation. After 1 week of feeling nauseous and still in pain I go to the doctor. The doctor says I have a stomach ulcer and sends me away with Omeprazole, after 2 weeks I go back as I have soft stools and bad sickness. A different gp demands a endoscopy to be carried out. I finally have my appointment 01 July .... the thing is I wake each morning feeling incredibly sick and now my leg hurts .... I am petrified it's cancer and its spread!!!!

lindy lou 2
16-06-15, 09:44
Hi Luja, so sorry you are going through this. I think your doctor is jumping to conclusions a bit quick, diagnosing you with a stomach ulcer.
Lots of us with anxiety have tummy problems, I know I do. I was given omeprazole, but won't take it now, I suspected it made me more anxious.
I know you have to have the endoscopy to be sure, but it could well be IBS due to stress, I take buscopan if I need to. I have recently found apple cider vinegar, the unfiltered one by Braggs, is the best antacid I have ever found ! sounds strange that vinegar works this way as you would think it is acidic, but in fact it is alkaline. As for the pains, are you on any meds for depression/ anxiety ? I have been full of aches & pains and suspect mirtazapine is causing it, it can cause arthralgia and myalgia, joint & muscle pain. I am weaning off it slowly, I do have arthritis, had a hip replaced 5 years ago, but I have suddenly got aches and pains everywhere ! I also think my muscles have got weak because I just don't use them enough, I cannot seem to do much because of the crippling anxiety, also much of it is caused by tension, when we can't relax, we seem to tense up every muscle in our body.
I hope all of this is resolved very quickly for you, and your mind is put at rest

16-06-15, 10:06
Hi Linda, thank you for replying. It is the top of my right leg that hurts and the more I think about it the more it hurts. I am not any meds for anxiety, I have had counselling but only works when I am calm lol. I have rung the hospital and they have found me a cancellation for this Sunday. I am just scared of what they will find xxx

lindy lou 2
16-06-15, 10:57
Hi again Luja, I know these things are really scary, but why do you think it might be cancer, there are so many other things it could be, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you ? Is there a reason why you fear the worst ? has someone in your family had anything similar & that is why you are scared ?
At least you will find out what it is a bit sooner now.
I had to go for an ECG the other week, before I could be put on Risperidone, someone went with me, I could not control the anxiety, the nurse doing it kept telling me to relax but I couldn't!
Then my gp rang to say the ECG was unreadable, well you can imag:hugs:ine how I felt then, thought I had a bad heart, she said I would have to have a repeat and gave me one lorazpam to calm me first, I was convinced it would be bad again because I had had 2 diazepam before the first one, any way, took the lorazapam an hour before I went, still felt just as anxious though, had the ECG done & the nurse said it was perfect, I couldn't believe it ! So it just shows what anxiety does to us.
Wishing you all the best, I feel sure it will be nothing serious.
Meant to put the hugs at the end , duh, sending you one anyway
Let us all know how you get on

16-06-15, 12:50
Hi Linda, I have had various friends who sadly have had cancer been misdiagnosed and sadly passed. I am 32 years old, my anxiety started approx 4 years ago when we had a bereavment. I always think the worse, I Google and I seem to tick off every symptom. Thank you for the hugs it means a lot that I have people to talk to.xxx how are you?

lindy lou 2
16-06-15, 15:58
Ahhh, Luja that is so tough for you, I have only lost one friend in my life up until now, that was last December, but I am so much older than you ! I don't really have health anxiety, more general, but that has all come about through grief, for my old house, how stupid is that, but I didn't want to move, it was originally my parents place, but I loved it, it was rather large for 2 of us, my husband really shoved me in to moving, the bills were getting higher ! plus maintainence, trouble is we only moved around the corner, into a small bungalow , so I still have to see the old house, when I make myself go out. I just cannot feel at home here, fancy missing bricks & mortar .
Then my friend died, but don't let that statement scare you.
She was only 64, but had been diabetic type one since 11 yrs old, & she had heart problems. She certainly left her mark though, despite being blind in one eye & the other not good, with the aid of lots of lighting & magnifiers, she was a fantastic artist !
Not too good myself today, very anxious, but had a little walk with the same friends husband & dog, whew was it hot.
I am sure you will be ok, & your mind will be put at ease on sunday, like me & my ECG
More hugs
Linda x.

16-06-15, 16:24
I totally understand, I am under so much stress we are too moving but trying to find a house and a mortgage. It's horrid that you have to see your old house all the time, I would feel sad if I had to see mine. I will let you know how it goes on Sunday xxx

16-06-15, 17:43
Hi Luja, you mentioned that you are under stress from moving and trying to find a house and mortgage. I am no expert but when your body is under a lot of stress, it will show. 2-3 weeks ago after having a stressful time at work and finishing up the semester for school, I experienced extreme stress and anxiety. The day after I began having acid reflux. As you know the acid moves up your stomach to your throat. For me it caused chest pains and you may understand how I felt. I began panicking I had lung cancer or experiencing cardiac arrest for the next week. I was very worried so I visited a doctor and he prescribed me omeprazole. It worked wonders. I took it for a week and decided to get off of it to see if my stomach issues subsided. I haven't had any pains since. I am a strong believer and it's definitely a fact that high levels of stress cause bodily pains and bodily reactions. My doctor told me that everything is linked to the stomach. What I noticed also helped me during that time was calming down and taking a bath. I would take a bath and add a few drops of lavender oil. It soothed and calmed me and I noticed my pains subsided. Once I began worrying about them, they would come back.

lindy lou 2
17-06-15, 09:52
Hi again Luja, Like the person who answered after me, I really to think this is all stress related. I have so many aches & pains & stomach upset, I know though that it is muscle tension & anxiety, I bet you come back on Sunday relieved !
You do have a lot of stress on at the moment.
Linda x.

18-06-15, 13:12
Thank you, I had to see my Gyny last week due indifferent problem and he too thinks it's stress in wake up thinking it's that my pain in my leg and the also feel like a I have a ball of fur in my throat. My mum seems to think it's where i don't drink enough .... I promise to update you on Sunday xxx