View Full Version : very fast heartrate when walking around...is this dangerous?

17-06-15, 01:08
Okay I have POTS which means my heart rate shoots up whenever I stand up. When I'm sitting it's totally normal, around 75bpm, but as soon as I stand up it goes up to 120 just standing still! The highest was around 150bpm standing still but that was 2 years ago. And then, once I sit back down, it immediately returns to 75bpm.

I take beta blockers which help tremendously.
But tonight I left a long gap between doses, and I noticed my heart was skipping beats as it was beating so fast! I swear I counted it and it was about 160 just standing there! It's not caused by anxiety. Anxiety makes it worse but I have tachycardia 24/7 apart from lying down.

I really freaked out and took my meds just now, it's coming down ever so slightly. It was only about 85 sitting down so I don't think it is a serious illness. But I was walking around all day today, feeling faint and my heartrate super high. Is this dangerous? It's been a long time since I've reached the over 150bpm mark, but maybe that's just because I'm so used to my beta blockers slowing it down for me? I'm very freaked out right now. I feel dizzy and breathless too.

Anyone else have a high heartrate? What's the highest you've had before while resting/walking slowly?

17-06-15, 08:26
I think this is a question best left for a physician. However, I don't think (as far as I know) that tachycardia is dangerous unless it's prolonged and constant. As you wouldn't be tachycardic when sleeping etc I don't think it'd be doing excessive damage to your heart but, again, it's better for you to ask your doctor.