View Full Version : Anxiety getting worse :( please help

17-06-15, 12:11
Hi everyone

I have not logged in for a while. I have noticed recently that my anxiety is getting so much worse. I am on Sertraline and have been for about a year now. On Saturday night I just burst into tears for no reason. The night before I had a really bad nightmare too.

Everything seems to just make so anxious and I really am getting to breaking point. My Dad is back in the scene and he has bad mental health problems and takes his anger out on everyone around him. I get no escape at work either as I am under a lot of pressure and one of my colleagues is so nasty and makes everyone feel like they have done something wrong.

I really really need help to sort this out. My fiancé is noticing a change in me and is starting to call me paranoid.

If you have any advice can you please share with me. I don't know what to do. Sorry I have talked for so long. Thanks everyone. xxxx

17-06-15, 12:33
Hi there
It is hardly any wonder that your anxiety is getting worse if you are in situations that are upsetting for you. Is there any way you can change any of these (your Dad and colleague)?

17-06-15, 13:28
Hi. Thanks for you reply. I spent 6 months not speaking to my Dad but due to family circumstances we ended up on speaking terms again. Unsurprisingly my anxiety seemed to be better when I wasn't speaking to him! My colleague unfortunately I cant get away from as I don't want to loose my job.

I really don't know what else I can do. :(