View Full Version : Underweight and worried

18-06-15, 17:44
I am a 20 year old female who is pretty new to this community and health anxiety. Lately, I've been worried about my weight.

I've been skinny and tall my whole life. I am 5'7'' and usually weigh around 119-120 pounds, which I think is still slightly underweight. Anyways, I have been struggling with health anxiety for about 2 and a half months now and have had awful physical symptoms like fatigue, loss of appetite, numbness, vision problems, headaches, etc. For about 2 weeks, I simply did not have an appetite. I basically ate enough to survive because I just did not feel like eating at all. I don't know how much I weighed at this time because I didn't have a scale, but my mom hugged me and could tell I lost a lot of weight. The doctor thought I'd lost about 10 pounds since I was last there.

I got my appetite back about a month ago and have been eating much better and pretty normal, but still weight about 114 pounds and am having trouble gaining weight. Meanwhile, my physical symptoms are much better. Of course, health anxiety makes me worry it's cancer because weight loss is a symptom.

Has anyone else experienced this? Shouldn't my weight be back to normal after a month?

Also I don't really ever exercise.

18-06-15, 20:02
some people have a fast metabolism, And especially even with a bit of worry especially health anxiety and being focused on your weight your notice that your lose more and more weight, i remember when i was at my peak of health anxiety i was focused on my weight again google told me about the weight loss is a symptom of cancer so it stuck in my head then i lost 2 n half stone in 1 month, mad aye and then the anxiety stoped but i was still focused on my anxiety and would weigh myself every other day, and then i relised i was losing 2 pound every other day even tho i was eating more, But obviously my anxiety was still there and i must of been in speed mode, dont worry and stop thinking of ur weight and start eatin more protein chicken and pasta etc, your soon ntoice it shoot up best of luck and postive thoughts

19-06-15, 22:10
Last year I got sick... The docs assume some sort of viral thing but I developed health anxiety on top of this. I was 55kg (125 pounds) and in 4 weeks went to 49kg (108 pounds). I know mainly this was anxiety related cos I was scared I had a terminal disease but it wasn't :/ I have since put on weight but now and again lose some due to worry. Hope this makes you feel better :)