View Full Version : Weight fluctuations

19-06-15, 19:54
Hi everyone! I had a question about weight fluctuations....my rational mind wants to tell me it's normal with my health issues, but it concerns me a bit.

A little background....I have PCOS, but I am not too overweight as many PCOS-ers can be- I am 5'7" and usually around 143lbs.

I also had my gallbladder out (still having bile reflux issues), and was put on prozac for anxiety in October. I initially lost about 8 pounds from all of that and I have since gone OFF prozac about 3 months ago for various reasons and was put on clorazepate instead. My anxiety has been quite high lately. (This story is all over the place, sorry!)

About a 1-2 months ago, my weight was up to 146, and in the past 2 weeks, I have now dropped to 139. In fact, I've lost about 3 pounds in 2 days and I am mid-cycle.

I your opinion, would anxiety and PCOS attribute to this, or do I need to get in touch with my doctor? I know it's not a HUGE loss, and I really don't mind it! But I know my body, and it's very hard for me to lose weight. I did have blood work done about 3 weeks ago when I was around 146 and everything came back normal.

Sorry for the rant...sometimes it helps to talk it out :) Just trying to put my mind at ease, or at least get another opinion. Thanks!!

25-06-15, 14:22
Anyone? I do have an appointment in 2 weeks with my doctor, but it's starting to concern me. I feel full very quickly, but hungry again an hour later.... the weight is still coming off?

25-06-15, 17:21
My weight fluctuates a lot but with me a lot is water retention. I'm still seven pounds over Ideal even though I have lost 15. Remember to that two glasses of water weighs a pound. Weigh yourself at the same time. Preferably empty. This morning I am a pound and a half over yesterdays weight. (strawberries and whipped cream, salty sausage) I lost a lot of weight when I cut out the salt.

25-06-15, 17:35
Mine fluctuates a pound or so with water, salt, etc... but generally not like this. I may be eating a bit less and not realizing it? Perhaps anxiety and stress can cause some weight loss too, although I have felt better in the past couple weeks than I have in a while.
Thanks for your reply!

25-06-15, 19:28
I feel a lot better with the weight loss too. I haven't had a blood pressure spike in a while either. I'm busy so don't eat enough, and when I do now I don't want much. I enjoy what I do eat more now. But I know my calorie intake is below acceptable. I'm more focussed on a Serotonin building diet than wether it is good for me, but the two seem to go together. I'm low on iron so I'm watching my spinach grow with desire. Thinking of Lasagne with lots of spinach. Low on potassium but don't really like bananas. Apple pie would be a better choice but I put ice cream on it. Apple crumble would be better even if made with oats. Oats have lots of tryptophan. Real ice cream does too.