View Full Version : Does lack of sleep effect your anxiety level?

20-06-15, 19:06
This is something I have really noticed, if I do not get my 8 hours my anxiety is sky high all day.

Last night for example I over did tea at a school function, It was after midnight before I fell over due to the caffeine and woke at my usual time of 6.00 am, felt anxious, grumpy and irritable all day and can't wait to go to my bed very shortly Saturday night or not.

During the week I am in bed between 9 and 10pm or I know I will pay the price at work the next day, Folk at work often ask me did I watch a programme the previous night, of course I didn't I was in bed. I don't know how they sit up until the wee small hours and manage to get up for work.

I suspect its because they do not get anxiety, As I mentioned in another thread I have a similar issue with alcohol leaving me anxious while others have no issues.

20-06-15, 19:27
Yep sleep deprevation is a fuel for anxiety and depression.if i dont get my 8hrs sleep,my anxiety is high.if i 9nly get a few hrs sleep,i feel realy depressed and my anxiety is through the roof for a couple of days.you are not alone

20-06-15, 19:32
Lack of sleep totally affects my anxiety levels!!

20-06-15, 19:36
Yes, I think so. I think you need at least 7 hours, but too much can also be bad.

20-06-15, 20:39
I've also noticed that on the evenings/nights when I'm not feeling so anxious (i.e thurs - sat) that I don't feel the urgency to go to bed as early as I would on a Sunday night for example. Its almost like I need the sleep in the weekdays just to recoup the lost energy of the day somehow? That make sense?

21-06-15, 03:54
Yes x 100000

Being tired makes me panic, I guess it's because it's that "not quite right" feeling my mind has mistaken as a cause for alarm. I get slapped with weird bursts of fatigue as well that makes me feel like I will pass out and/or die.

21-06-15, 04:23
When i was playing Bug i would often get two to four hours sleep for days on end. Next days were actually better than normal. But years ago when I still had panic attacks and anxiety I would have been just like you. I used to nap during the day too. So I would have to say there is a connection between anxiety and sleep. I think like coffee it makes it worse but doesn't cause it. I think it has to be there since it isn't with me.

21-06-15, 04:56
Yes, its well documented to affect both anxiety & depression as well as many more disorders.

Cortisol production also takes place in the last 2 hours of sleep, if I remember rightly, and this is what is supposed to naturally wake you. When we sleep less that the required amount, we will be impacted our cortisol production and this is essential for many functions in our bodies.

On the opposite side though, you have exercise. Exercise has been show in studies to improve hormone regulation and sleep. Studies have show that those who exercise on a regular basis enter a deeper sleep state quicker & for longer.

21-06-15, 16:04
Yup, definitely affects mine. I am lucky if I get around 5 or 6 hours sleep a night and I can just about function at work with that. Any less and my head feels fuzzy and I generally feel like crap which heightens my anxiety.

21-06-15, 16:38
I believe the most beneficial sleeping time is between 9.00p.m. and 3 a.m. (in the UK)

I am lucky to get 4/5 hours but do nap in the afternoons sometimes.

22-06-15, 06:55
I'm just putting in another yes to this one.

Without adequate sleep and exercise, I am much worse off.

22-06-15, 07:46
Without question, it does.