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View Full Version : New here, lymph nodes on neck, long post, really worried.

20-06-15, 20:28
Hi all, this will be my introduction as well as my problem, I know this is going to be a long message, so thank you to those who read it and take time to reply.

About 2 and a half years ago I met the woman who I am about to marry, I will be making a MASSIVE move from the UK to the USA as an immigrant and there has been alot of pressure involved with this. I have been utterly terrified of everything going wrong for quite some time, and I worry that it's having an effect on my health, below I will list the things that have happened to me since we applied for my visa in October.

In november of last year I started getting bad stomach aches, burning in my stomach, I got told it was acid reflux and got given pills, over Xmas I was drinking and began to do what I now think of as a panic attack, my heart was pounding, I wasn't thinking straight and I basically forced myself to throw up. I then went to the USA and on the plane had what I consider to be a MASSIVE panic attack, for several days spent with my fiancee I thought I was going to die, I asked her to check I was breathing and I could not bare to face anyone else, I was terrified to leave her house and convinced myself I had stomach cancer, I spent hours on google confirming this.

I went to the drs when I got home and he had a good feel around my entire torso area and found nothing of note, gave me some stronger reflux pills and it's totally gone away, and it's been great, I'd slowly started to calm down, had a brief episode of insomnia for just under a week which recovered with some low strength over the counter sleeping pills (I fell asleep about 5 minutes after taking them, which to me indicates it was a mental thing).

Just before my fiancee arrived in England I had a bad cold and sore throat, on the last few days of it when shaving I noticed my razor rolling over a lump in the right hand side of my throat, and I had a good feel of it and googled it and instantly had lymphoma of some kind. She arrived 2 days later and we travelled Europe, during this time my gland went back down, (I can tell when shaving) and all was well, I felt great. A day or two before she left again I noticed my gland was starting to grow again, and I started to worry, after a LOT of poking and prodding on my left hand side too to see if it was both, my left side also flamed up. Since then my right hand side has shrunk again quite a lot but my left hand side has stayed large. It can be moved side to side easily.

Then at the start of this week I've felt a lump in my throat, like when you're about to cry, and a faint wheezing noise when breathing out. I've had absolutely no issues with this previously when suffering from hayfever allergies so I started to worry, then I found myself once again on Google, and I was convinced I had throat cancer, after several days of this all the symptoms went away, and I started to relax.

So I went straight back to my nodes and sure enough, my left was still quite enlarged (you know your fingers have 3 separate sections between knuckles? the node is about the size of the top one on my finger). I have done nothing but poke and prod at it for the past 36 hours, I have a drs appointment on Monday and I'm terrified she won't take me seriously because I've been in before.

All I keep seeing on google is that people had these lumps, checked them out, had cancer and that was that. My lump hasn't grown, but since I've been poking at it so much the past 36 hours it's gotten very hot and sore even when not touching it, making me worry even more.

I am panicking that something is going to go wrong so I'm stuck here in England and everything has gone SO perfectly in regards to my visa, meeting my fiancee, job opportunities, everything and I just feel something HAS to go wrong. When I find something new that must be wrong with me my first thought isn't "I'm going to die" it's "I'm not going to be able to make my big move and start this life I yearn so much for". But this symptom of my node is something that isn't caused by anxiety, it's caused by cancer, and I haven't seen anything else on the internet to say otherwise, I'm so scared, and if wants to take a biopsy or something I don't know how I'm going to cope.

Can others who have experienced anything of the kind give their stories? Thank you.

20-06-15, 20:58
Dude it sounds like your under major stress, u said u felt ur node and it went down if it was cancer it wudnt go down it wud stay up, and by touching and prodding it ur keeping it up, When i get anxiety i get throat tightness and im sure acid comes by being anxious aswel, Try say to yourself to stop touching ur node for 1 week like i had to do at 1 point, And if it doesnt go down then go doctors but going to doctors if u keep prodding it which does make it much bigger and sore can lead to a biopsy for nothing Try get some cbt therapy it will help contact time to talk

21-06-15, 09:52
I'm sorry that you're having this stress, I really do understand what it's like. I haven't experienced these symptoms myself but I have got a friend who had something similar in her neck- was told by the doctor it was fine and I think that was absolutely ages ago now and she's totally fine.
It seems to have gone down and up a bit (I'm not a doctor but sounds like a good sign) and also, you prodding it will definitely make it hurt, trust me. You've got a doctors appointment soon and you've just got to cope until then- I know it is impossibly hard, trust me I know. Please, please try and stay off Google because you know for a fact it won't help you at all and will just make you feel worse. I hope your doctor will be able to reassure you. Sorry that I don't have much good advice apart from I suffer with health anxiety myself and you are really not alone in that as you will see on this forum. I'm sure you are fine- think of the times you've been worried before, like when you thought you had stomach cancer, and were wrong.
Sending loads of good vibes your way!

21-06-15, 13:54

I had a very similar story to yours. I was moving for work, and I had just had 2 kids. Like you, I was under stress. I was checking my pulse and found a node. I poked, prodded, and made it a lot worse. I was very worried as I moved in the middle of this. The node grew as I couldn't leave it alone. I would move it around. I saw 2 docs who were not worried and told me to leave it. I pushed for an ultrasound, and didn't want to wait. The ultrasound came back as suspicious. I had to wait 6 weeks to see an ENT. Over that time I started to leave it alone. I love old check, but not push. I saw the ENT and he wasn't worried. He was a cancer specialist and told me cancer always gets bothers NEVER smaller. We did a second ultrasound which was fine.
Almost 4 yrs later, and no issues. I know where the node is but leave it alone. Please do yourself a favour and don't obsess or make it worse.

21-06-15, 22:07
Thank you everyone. I finally succumbed and went on Google again, I know that was a ridiculous decision but I'm finding it VERY hard to stop myself. I have found that it is my TONSILLAR nodes that are swollen, the one of my left slightly more so than my right. I have also been getting some tonsil stones(?) which are bloody gross, quite regularly for a good month or so now as well, along with a sore throat when speaking too much, I also wonder if they are swelling and relaxing on and off, causing that globus feeling. I am VERY hopeful that the dr will find this to be some very cut and dry tonsil problem and all will be well, I'll update this tomorrow morning after I've seen her. Thank you for your replies, you had a long read!

22-06-15, 10:35
Hi all,

I just got back from the Dr, she said that she thinks it's mostly stress based. She checked my throat, ears and glands and has put me in for a blood test because she suspects glandular fever, is this a normal procedure? She's also said that it will rule out any case of Lymphoma for myself as well.

I can't help but worry that she is in fact concerned with Lymphoma but in my current state of mind she's trying to move my mind to glandular fever to keep me calm.

22-06-15, 12:44
yes dude completely normal, And i know the worry is horrible now until blood test comes back its horrible thinking what if it comes back as high blood count etc and got cancer etc, but when results r backk and there fine ur be alot more relaxed just ban yourself from google it just gives u worse case scenerio all the time and it cannot exaim you properly, So stick with ur doctor and listen to them when they say its stress related,

22-06-15, 19:10
Christ, I just read about people who had the exact same thing, suspected they had glandular fever but actually had Lymphoma of some kind. I'm absolutely terrified. I have read that a blood test won't even show any kind of Lymphoma, what if it's too late by the time they get round to it?

22-06-15, 19:18
The key words in your last post are "I Read".

You've been checked by a medical professional who feels it's anxiety and stress and is following up with blood work. Dr. Google doesn't know you but he knows your dragon loves to feed on stories and your dragon has quite an appetite.

STOP GOOGLING and trust your doctor.

Positive thoughts

22-06-15, 19:37
The key words in your last post are "I Read".

You've been checked by a medical professional who feels it's anxiety and stress and is following up with blood work. Dr. Google doesn't know you but he knows your dragon loves to feed on stories and your dragon has quite an appetite.

STOP GOOGLING and trust your doctor.

Positive thoughts

Thank you, this is so hard for me. I've got none of the other symptoms, no weight loss (actually putting on due to gym), no extreme fatigue, no night sweats, no itching, nothing except these two nodes, the same one on each side since I had a really bad cold/sore throat thing. But they won't go away, they're not growing but they're still there. My cheek and neck have felt so swollen the past 2 days after pressing it and touching it so much, I've worked very hard to not touch it today, only having done so perhaps 3 or 4 times, and the heat given off from the area and the feeling of swelling has gone down as the days gone by, but what if it's not GF. I'm absolutely terrified right now, the other symptoms of all my other worries this past 6 months have all gone away over time but these nodes just came outta nowhere overnight and won't go away.

Thank you for all your replies so far. I'm trying very hard to chill.

26-06-15, 20:04
Hi all,

Thought I would give an update, my bloods came back as normal, so I guess all is good for now :)