View Full Version : hi there.

20-06-15, 20:30
Hi guys.
So a little about me - now in my early 40's, have been suffering from Panic Disorder and all manner of associated symptoms since I was 11.
I was always an incredibly shy child and found being around other kids stressful even then. Didn't feel comfortable anywhere other than my own home.
Up until the move to senior school I didn't exhibit any symptoms other than extreme shyness.
Unfortunately the move to a larger school full of hundreds of strangers, plus a large dose of bullying, sent my mind over the top, and I experienced my first panic attack.
It wasn't the panic attack that caused the problems however, it was my mind obsessing over the incident ... and that is the story of my life ...... a mind that I can't control.
I obsessed over the panic attack to the point where my mind started creating new fears for me to have ..... Its still hard for me to tell this sort of stuff even now, but i had all sorts of rampant thoughts that I couldn't control, and each time they came back they'd escalate to even higher proportions that just seemed to get crazier and crazier.

Well, as life progressed, I went through remission periods, and then back to all out mental anguish periods.

Generally things are much better now I'm older. I still go through periods of 'rampant mind' episodes, although these days they are usually brought on by stress at work.
My current 'fears' are mainly centered around anything to do with public speaking, or being in new environments. And I struggle with anything around my neck (ties are unthinkable), and dentists are a struggle too. In fact, anything that could possibly trigger my incredibly sensitive gag reflex.

I'm deeply interested in spirituality and have always tried to look there for any answers to why my mind behaves out of my control. I firmly believe that all my problems are mind related, and if I can learn how to control it, I'll be free of this torment.
I've tried to use my issues to my advantage, and i've spent the past 30 years studying my mind and the way it pulls my awareness into states of extreme panic/anxiety. And also the way my head seems to feel crushed after a whole day of anxiety, almost like all the energy around my head is being sucked in.

So that's about it I guess, look forward to chatting to you

20-06-15, 20:36
Hiya Soulcatcher71 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-07-15, 19:43
Hello Soulcatcher, it seems you look in a similar direction as I in your search for answers and a peace of mind.
It would be good to chat sometime.

05-07-15, 20:02
no problem, anytime