View Full Version : Urgent help IBC

21-06-15, 02:04

I'm on holiday.. Abroad for another week. This evening when I took my bra off I found a large (6cm by 2cm) swollen red patch around my nipple. Slightly hard and itchy. It's not a bite. There's no lump. But I know about IBC. Absolutely terrified. I want to go home. I don't know what to do. Please help.Xxx

21-06-15, 14:54
Sorry this has happened while you are away, but try to calm down and put it in perspective. Now don't go Googling, but if you did have IBC there would be other symptoms present, not just an itchy patch. IBC is actually quite rare and there are a million and one other things your rash can be. I had exactly the same thing happen to me once, and it turned out to be localised dermatitis, which quickly settled with some cream. Have you used any new body creams or perhaps a new bra that you could have reacted to? Try to ignore it and give it some time - there is every chance that it will improve on its own. Best wishes from Annie :hugs:

21-06-15, 22:24
What Annie says. Its highly unlikely to be IBC. I Knew someone with this and it covered a large area and had alot of the same symptoms as a bad infection would.

IF you are abroad have you been using different wash products or insect sprays etc - this is much more likely reason.

22-06-15, 13:43
Thanks both. Well, I went to the local dr yesterday as it got worse and he said it was mastitis. Has given me 10 days of antibiotics. It now covers half of my left breast is bright red and itchy :-(

Anxious for it to go... Currently it's not going anywhere anywhere.

Urgh, way to ruin a holiday Xxx

22-06-15, 17:57
Oh poor you. Hopefully the antibiotics will get the better of it and you will be much improved on your holiday.

22-06-15, 20:47
So find myself in a hospital abroad as breast not getting better with antibiotics. Feel so bad for my husband. I'm uber anxious and just want to go home. Xxx

25-06-15, 10:50
Well, I've had to come back from holiday early. I have an appointment with breast clinic pretty much as soon as I touch down. Worried but know there's not a lot I can do. This is most definitely not in my head. The area hasn't changed despite being on max dose of antibiotics. Wish me luck. Xxx

25-06-15, 13:29
What did they say at the hospital abroad?

25-06-15, 14:44
Hiya, the clinic abroad said it looked like an infection but if it didn't improve in the next day or two to go to hospital. I'm maxed out on antibiotics which are making me feel very sicky as well... But it's not budging. Hopefully it is an infection that is just taking a bit longer to get better... Tbh though it's weird and I'm not taking any chances with this one.

Actually feel fairly calm considering... Think my husband is more worried than me. Xxx

25-06-15, 20:09
Just wanted to send you a hug hope it goes quick for you xx

25-06-15, 20:37
All the best to y:hugs:ou. It is rotten having a panic on holiday.

26-06-15, 18:41
Thanks everyone.

So... update. I went to a Harley Street clinic to get it checked as soon as I stepped off the plane. Dr found a lump and enlarged lymph nodes... cue total meltdown. :weep:

He said I needed an ultrasound scan, this got done within 20 minutes and was told that everything looked normal except that I obviously had an infection as there was a small abscess. The relief was phenomenal. I'm going to have this followed up with private health insurance at another hospital but I keep being told I did absolutely the right thing. I had to fork out a fair bit for the apt and scan though. But no price on this kind of thing. Gosh it's so difficult to know how to balance HA and "real" health issues. Now I keep thinking "what if they're wrong" but keep having to remind myself I was seen by two consultants (breast radiographer and breast surgeon) and for these guys boobs are their bread and butter... they know what they're talking about.

Space xxx

26-06-15, 20:31
I'm so glad you've been seen & it's ok. I've been checking back for an update x

26-06-15, 22:37
So glad you are okay!

02-07-15, 21:18
Meltdown today.

1) Despite taking the antibiotics and having an attempted aspiration (which yielded a single drop of pus) the redness is back.
2) the radiologist who scanned my breast said there was no abscess but a lump... 15mm diameter.

I am beside myself.. I'm probably going to have a biopsy on Saturday. I'm scared.

02-07-15, 22:04
Good that you can have it done so quickly. Sending you hugs. Hope all is good news, let us know how you get on x

03-07-15, 14:11
Thank you. Trying to stay positive. Not too anxious surprisingly, just feeling low. I think I'm going to have to ask my gp for a diazpam for tomorrow's biopsy.. I have a phone consultation with him in a bit. I go bright red and sweaty when examined and it just makes it all worse.... So a diazpam may help - what do you think?

Haven't taken any meds for anxiety in years but feel I may need it temporarily now.


03-07-15, 14:21
Why not? I am quite anti-meds in general. But I don't think a one off can do any harm, or maybe some rescue remedy or something like that...having said that you can also manage it without, we are soooo much stronger that we think we are xxx

03-07-15, 18:50
Thanks Sial. He prescribed me 2mg tablets of diazapam - which is quite low right? I don't want to be totally out... just not care so much!

This forum is a lifesaver right now. Interestingly I'm not Googling... I think it would tip me over the edge!

Space xxx

03-07-15, 19:18
Hey spacebunny - just sent you a PM but I thought I'll post it here too in case it helps others :)

"Just read your posts about what you're currently going through.

Just thought I'd let you know my wife had exactly the same thing, large thick sore and itchy red patch on her nipple and breast, at least 5cm in diameter, that made her lymph nodes flare up - this was how I knew about IBC and Pagets.

She's fine now, and it turned out it definitely wasn't cancer.

It did however take MONTHS to clear up, maybe 4-5 months and that was with antibiotics and topical creams.

You might have done this already, but one thing she did do before it finally cleared was to buy herself all new bras and swimwear. There's a lot of little bugs and viruses that can live in the padding and survive washing machines and if you're wearing the same bras on rotation you can be topping up the exposure to the infection

I'm sure if the Harley Street clinic wasn't worried then you're more than safe! They have a reputation around there for a reason... "

03-07-15, 20:00

Have just read your update so good luck for your scan.:hugs:

05-07-15, 12:12
Thank you for your words of support.

So i saw the breast surgeon again. She thinks the lump has slightly decreased in size and its not as red as a week ago... which is great news. She estimates a 50% reduction in redness and 30% in lump size. But I'm still anxious. I just want my boob back to normal. I'm 34, don't smoke (risk factor for an abscess).. she says I'm just unlucky. They've said if the lump is still there on Thursday at my scan they will biopsy.

Gp prescribed 2mg diazepam which I took and made me feel a bit less anxious yesterday but back to the anxiety again today.

05-07-15, 21:45
Sorry to hear this. It is really hard when you are waiting but it sounds hopeful if it is reducing I size. Good luck for the next few days and hope you get good news on Thursday.

rachael t
06-07-15, 13:53
Hi how are u now

06-07-15, 19:23
Hi Rachel,

Waiting for scan on Thursday. Fingers crossed. Keeping busy. Xxx

07-07-15, 01:02
Just read your posts space bunny I do hope everything goes okay when you receive your test results x

07-07-15, 17:26
Thank you laurawoo.

Flip between feeling super anxious and ok. I really really don't like waiting. Trying hard to stay calm and not panic. So hard.

07-07-15, 18:01
Good luck with your scan.

Cancer doesn't reduce in size so that is very good news.

08-07-15, 10:33
yes I thought that was a good sign too.:)

08-07-15, 13:32
Yes! I'm holding on to that. The signs it isn't IBC are:

- Surgeon said she thinks it's reduced in size
- Overall redness has decreased
- She got a drop of pus when she tried to aspirate it
- The consultant radiologist I saw at London breast clinic said it looked like an abscess
- 2 experienced breast surgeons have said abscess

Rationally I know it's an abscess... But what makes me nervous is that abscess is probably just as likely Statistically as bc for someone with my history and risk factors. And that the 2nd radiologist I saw last week saying she was suspicious has put the wind up me! Oh well, just over 24 hours until followup with radiologist.

Space xxx

09-07-15, 00:50
:)Sounding positive.

09-07-15, 01:20
Don't really have any advice but we recently thought my mum had it, shes not a worrier at all and of course we all convinced ourselves she had IBC (she only admitted it after she was given the all clear). Anyway, turned out to be an infection or hormonal.

I'm sure you will be fine as well.

09-07-15, 18:17
Lump still there. Three biopsies taken. Urgh.

---------- Post added at 18:15 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

Lump still there. 3 biopsies taken. Urgh.

---------- Post added at 18:17 ---------- Previous post was at 18:15 ----------

And obviously given the state of my last post 2mg diazapam is quite effective on me!

09-07-15, 20:21
Did they have any thoughts or info to share with you, or was it just straight in and out?

Do you feel it's been getting any better?

09-07-15, 21:38
Hi sputnikmoon,

Compared to 2 weeks ago it's much better... But the weird thing is it starts to fade and then goes a bit red again. The red patch hasnt spread any more... I don't have the thickened skin either anymore.

The radiologist didn't say much, except it was a belts and braces and to absolutely rule out anything nasty.

She said the lump was 5x5x9mm and no discernable change in size from a week ago.

I feel shattered. And feel that just having to go through this is v unfair (I've had a fair bit of other real medical problems) and I just want to relax and be happy like a normal person in their early 30's.


09-07-15, 23:38
That's exactly how my wife's was - it was thick and inflamed, then would simmer down for a day or so and then get inflamed again - looped for months and really scared us!

Then, after tons of creams and pills, none of which seemed to help, it just decided to go...

10-07-15, 17:53
Thanks sputnikmoon. Glad she was ok. It's scary, but Im surprising myself by doing ok. Been going to work and Keeping busy. When I have HA episodes I can barely move out of bed....


11-07-15, 12:28
Sorry you did not get d definitive answer and no significant change but still think it is good that it fades from time to time. I know that feeling of 'I wish I were normal like other people and could enjoy life to the full'.

11-07-15, 18:44
Lindau, thanks for your comment. I have to keep reminding myself of the things that suggest it's an abscess... It's so hard to keep my mind away from thinking the worst. Today I even looked up my work's sick policy! I'm doing ok though... Absolutely dreading the results call. :-(

12-07-15, 11:42
When will you get the results?

12-07-15, 17:32
They said a week (biopsy done on Thursday gone)... Dr's secretary said to call her on Wednesday. Nervous.

Keep telling myself that 80% of breast biopsies turn out to be benign. xxx

15-07-15, 16:40
Hey bunny, Did your results come through today?

16-07-15, 16:33
Hi, results through this morning.... it's an abscess!! :)

Ok, not great.. but could be a lot worse!

For those reading this worried about IBC in the future... I had ALL the symptoms... including swelling, enlarged lymph nodes in armpits, solid lump in breast, puckering/inverted nipple, large area of redness... but no pain or fever... and I'm OK.

16-07-15, 16:39
That's brilliant :)

Hope you celebrate!

16-07-15, 20:56

21-08-22, 16:49
I'm rebouncing this for myself... I'm actually "space" and having another scary IBC scare... Re-reading my post I can see I've been here before. Its a scary place to be, but holding on.
It's incredibly weird that it's happened on holiday again as well.