View Full Version : Help! Absolutely terrified. Sudden fast irregular heart beats

21-06-15, 12:39
Hi, had anxiety attacks, ectopics, palpitations you name it but the other night laid down after a large meal, picked up my daughter and felt like a pause ectopic (awful ones where feels like heart stopped) then heart went crazy. Felt like it was pounding all over the place but totally irregular. Thank God my wife was there and only lasted about five seconds. Please tell me other people have had this and doesn't mean anything awful.

21-06-15, 12:43
Hi, yes I get that. It's a horrible feeling. When it happens I try to distract myself and not focus on it. If i do focus it seems to get worse. I've had it badly for the last 6 months but it's slowly settling down. I've been to the docs and had check ups and there's nothing wrong with my heart. It's my anxiety causing it.

21-06-15, 20:23
Thanks for reply. God it is awfu. Had anxiety for paat 18 months felt like past month or so making real progress then this new symptom came along and set me right back. Does yours last long and start with an ectopic?

27-06-15, 13:24
Mine can last for a very long time. When this latest episode first started they were pretty much non stop. It freaked me out. I've been checked by the hospital and my doctors and there's nothing wrong with my heart. It's the anxiety causing it. It has been easy a lot these last few weeks but it's taken a while. I do my best to not focus on it. That always makes it worse.

07-07-15, 00:56
I have had mine off and on since I was a child mostly on. Exactly what you are feeling except it doesn't go away that fast . I am 60 now so it has been going on all that time and somehow I am still here. I have been monitored in a hospital twice for a week and had numerous ekg's and even ecg where they record your heart and watch it on a sonogram and had lots and lots of doctors tell me there is nothing wrong with my heart and tell me that it isn't skipping. I am like you.It scares the hell out of me even after all these years yet the doctors and cardiologist and everyone says it is not skipping that there is nothing that shows up when I say that. So I know how you feel.

08-07-15, 04:56
(To plainoldme)

Hello Snoopy Drew, this must be 8+ fake accounts created so far now, really got to hand it to you for persistence and beating the forum software.

Yes, I use meditation but I can access many of them free (see my signature) or buy a comprehensive book for under £10 or even do a full professional online course with a therapist for about £60...makes your fake blog and shopping site with your $59.99 product seem quite tame really...:whistles:

All these sex changes you keep having must be costing you a fortune. :roflmao:
