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View Full Version : Worried about pancreatic cancer.

21-06-15, 17:22
Last December I was out shopping with a friend and had to go number two, I noticed that day I went number two a total of three times. I usually only go once. I started to worry the next day I found out that another friends mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Since then I have looked at every bowel movement and pressed on my side I have worried anytime I have any pains in my back or stomach. Of course in the six months I worried about every little thing. Before this worry it was brain cancer and before that it was als and all last year it was melanoma. So I always thought it's just like those other times. Then this month early on I had some big pains in my stomach that kept me up, I thought it was gas. Then it happened again the pain moved around a bit but always in the upper part and sometimes noticed on right side. I also was getting bouts of very harsh heart burn. Then three nights ago I woke in my hotel room and the pain was strong and on the right side it kept me up an hour and the next night (night before last) it was horrible same time as before 3:00 a.m. And this time it kept me up all night! I wondered if a trip to the hospital was in order. It finally went away around noon. The pain this time was in the middle at the top of my stomach pretty much in the middle. Yesterday I ate very little and had horrible heartburn. Then the worst I noticed my urine seemed dark the urine all week was normal. Since the last attack Night before last each urine has been dark and this morning my bowel movement was very light. I called my parents over to look at my bowels they say they look normal. But they are very light for me. The urine is dark and all this changed since that last attack. I'm to scared to go to the doctor but I know I need too.

21-06-15, 18:31
It sounds like stomach/digestive issues exasperated by anxiety. The question you need to ask is:

Of the other fears you've had, brain cancer, als and melanoma, were you diagnosed with them?

The same answer applies with this fear IMO.

Positive thoughts

21-06-15, 19:14
Drink more water try have 4-5 litres of water a day your soon be passing pale urine and better for your digestive system

21-06-15, 22:22
Have you thought about gallstones causing your symptoms. The dark urine and pale stools can be a symptom of a gallstone affecting your liver along with pain around base of right rib and going into back and shoulder area. the attacks usually happen late at night/overnight and resolve the next day.

Do you have a high fat diet by any chance? You could try a low fat diet and see if this helps plus seeing a Dr to discuss your symptoms as a simple ultrasound scan will show up gallstones.

I may be totally wrong but I have gallstones that don't worry me as long as I don't eat certain fats and some of your symptoms are the same as mine were when I first had a gallstone attack.

21-06-15, 22:38
Thanks for your replys. I drank three cups of water and my urine is still orange. I had my family look at it and they all say it's normal. Here's the thing it's not normal for me! My urine should be clear. If it doesn't improve in a weeks time I will go in. If I have another attack I will go in right away.

21-06-15, 23:00
Lol drink 5-6 litres tomorrow and I bet by evening it will be nice and pale colour , drink a cup a hour or something , don't look into nothing else or sorry about anything else till u given that a try

22-06-15, 00:41
Do you drink coffee, soda, or iced tea etc often? I know after I drink coffee or soda my urine is usually yellow but after I drink water it's clear. The water has to outweigh the coffee/soda ratio though.

22-06-15, 00:45
No, just water. My urine has been very orange twice today and twice its been clear.