View Full Version : Need advice on what to do.

30-01-07, 12:25
I just wanted some advice on what to do.
I have had anxiety problems for about 7 years now. I was agoraphobic at first then i started to go out and the anxiety became more of a general kind. I still have agoraphobic tendancies like fearing crowds, queues & feeling trapped but i was starting to get alot better with these things. I have started CBT at the hospital and they have diagnosed OCD although i dont have any obvious rituals they say that i have mental rituals like ruminating and seeking reassurance.

Anyway i started a part time job in a pub mid november, mainly because we were struggling for money on benefits. I was told when i started that if i couldn't cope with the the job i could go back on incapacity benefit at full rate. I went to my doc on tuesday last week and she said she is not willing to let me do this as it would be a step backwards and i would feel worse in the long run. My anxiety has taken a massive nose dive and i hve full blown panic attacks in shops, last night at work was absolute torture, i was really hot and felt so dizzy i could faint. I am not even significantly better off working because its costing me £30 a week to get to work and i have had o borrow money from family to afford the council tax.

I just feel totally trapped. I dont even get on that well with the people at work, especially th girls. I was hoping to start study in march with the open university but the way things are looking that imposible as i dont even have enough time to clean up and my motivation to do things is slipping because im just so fed up. The doc just gave me a depression questionaire and offered me anti depressants.

I dont know what to do, i am not going to take tablets because they make me worse.

Thanks for listening, any advice would be appreciated.

30-01-07, 12:37
Hello poppy this might not be much help but imused to worked in pubs for the last 17 years as a doorman i gave it up last april cus the anxiety got the better of me and it made me feel like sxxt i was getting bad tempered with punters and when the pub was busy it used to give me panic attacks giving the pub up might help i don't know if this is the right answer your looking for.

Be happy.


30-01-07, 13:44
Poppy - sorry I have no advice for you but working in a pub is a pretty stressful job regardless of your state of health. Being smiley and tactful to customers isn't easy if you are feeling a little low.

What if you made a 'deal' with your Dr to stop working there but to look for other work e.g. some temping office work or cleaning - you might be able to get a job where no one else is around so you'd be able to be more in control.

30-01-07, 13:58
My doctor told me to give it up because of the stress of the job i only worked friday and saturday nights and towards the end iy was really taking tole on me so yes Samc100 i think you have given some good addvice there.


30-01-07, 14:25
Oh ta Hogwarts. Bet being a doorman was a barrel of laughs. Do you have any other work now? If so hope it is calmer!

30-01-07, 14:44
Yes i have G8 job now i work for a chemical company now for the past 12 years looking after the electrical store's its really good i hope you feeling better soon.

Gareth xx

30-01-07, 20:23
Hi Poppy

Go back and explain to your doctors how you are feeling again and the financial situation you will be in if she/he doesnt support you. You have tried and it hasnt worked out but it isnt the easiest job to do, it isnt like you can hide behind a desk.

You are going to start studying and you dont need to feel any worse than you do already, so be adament about the situation and if need be take a friend or someone that will support you when you see your doctor.

I admire you for getting a job many wouldnt even try.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".