View Full Version : Just dont know wot to do!!!!!!

30-01-07, 12:41
Hey all,
Sort of need some advice... well mayb just someone could tell me wot to do!!??? I am gonno have a vent now... so get ready!!
Basically I been offered to go on holiday in March.. was v excited bout it until the bombshell dropped that the transfer from the airport to the hotel is 1hr 30mins away!! Now I HATE buses.. !! Hate how close people are to me plus I am tall and can just about squeeze into the seat!!! Just really hate them!! So this is making me reconsider the holiday!! Now I could book a taxi transfer but its a fair bit of extra money.... and im a bit of a cheapskate!!! My main trouble is over analysin... ive done it all me life and its a pain in the backside!!!! So my lovely people who have helped me out so many times... another helpin hand would be fab!! Some advice or just tellin me wot decision to make would be great!!! lol

30-01-07, 12:48
Hey Gemma,

I think you've got 2 choices here hun lol one being get the bus and the other pay for a taxi!!! Maybe in the next few days you could take wee short bus rides and keep building it up over the next few weeks to see how you go hun. Or you could leave by a bit extra each week to cover what the taxi will cost but I think you are a strong person as well as a cheapskate lol and theres no way you want to miss out on this holiday woman my god. Anyway you need to get a tan for when I see you in yer wedding dress!!! Hugs xxx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

30-01-07, 13:03
Don't let a bus journey stop the chance of a holiday.


30-01-07, 13:49
hi ammeg

im with sarah on this one get a cab or you will stress about it till the time you go and be ill when you are there.

jo x

30-01-07, 14:13
Hi Gem

Tough one i know but you dont want to miss out on a holiday, if you can afford it get a taxi, it a holiday and you deserve it hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

30-01-07, 14:23
Listen Mrs go on that holiday you will be fine!!!!
We know yous a cheapskate but it will be fine babe.
Get on that coach take music a good book whatever!!!
Just go!!
Loves ya babe.


30-01-07, 15:58
Hi Ammeg I am exactly the same as you reguarding buses and I did it! TBH I just didn't think about the buses I was just looking forward to the holiday too much and once I had conquered the plane there was no stopping me:D If you really can't do it then I would really recommend booking a taxi.


30-01-07, 17:34
I'd pay for the cab too - do things the way you enjoy them best!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-01-07, 22:03
Cough up for the cab Gemma!!!!!!:D

Luv Kaz x


30-01-07, 22:37
Hi Ammeg - don't confuse the hotel transport with the busses over here. Ususally they're air conditioned coaches. You sit in 2's and can always stretch your legs down the aisle whichever side you sit on. If you can, try and grab the front seat either behind the driver or on the other side. Theres more leg room, less people and a great view out of the window.

If you can manage the plane (and well done btw, I know I couldn't), then the transfer to the hotel shouldn't be much different.

If you still don't feel up to it when you get there you can still go down the taxi route. I've always found them cheaper at the airport than booking through the travel agent. Also don't be afraid to get a price up front and haggle if it sounds a bit much. Every penny you save on the cab buys one more margarita :D


31-01-07, 10:21
Hey all,
Thankyou all very much for your replys!!
Krackers- I went to cyprus last april and faced the coach and it put a damper on the hols for me.... i have extra legroom seats on plane... pity buses dont provide this lol!!!
Again thankyou all... u will be pleased to know ya all getting rid of me for the week anywho... just sortin out accomadation for me spoilt puppy and then i shall be booking!!
Thanx for sortin me out y'all!!

31-01-07, 14:06
What about a train? Now I too hate busses but trains are more comforting, you get a little table and alot more room =)

"My teddy last night was a paper bag, to keep my safe."