View Full Version : please really need some advice

22-06-15, 10:05
for the past few weeks ive been waking up my stomach churning feeling feeling like I cant cope with feeling so anxiouse as soon as i wake up and like it the rest of the day, my mind racing all time feel im loosing my mind or there is something other mentaly wrong with me , I keep thinking that surely I shouldn't be like this 24/7 as ive been this way now for the past 9yrs, i keep thinking there must be some thing that is wrong that is keeping m feeling this way, i cant help but just feel that im the only one that is like it , is there any one on here who is like it constanly just to put my mind at rest that it is just anxiety and that there is other poeple who are like me, sorry for posting again but i have no one else to ask or may understand th u

22-06-15, 10:13

there are many many people with the same symptoms that you describe. Anxiety nearly always hits you in the stomach.

My only concern is that you have been like this for 9 years and that really is too long without getting some help.

You haven't mentioned that you have been to your doctor about this and if you haven't that would be a great place to start.
Try and get a double appointment and take some notes with you. Good luck.

22-06-15, 10:14
Hi there.yes its anxiety.many of us have this sympton daily.waking up with it and having it all day..feeling of dred,like a black cloud hanging over us all day and night.what you have to try and tell yourself is ,it cant harm you,these are just anxiety symptoms..in time it can ease off and you can feel your old self again....are you on any meds ?take a trip to your GP and talk to them about it,there will be help out there for you,but you have to go and get it..there are lots of people in hear who will understand what you are going through.im sure others will be along soon and reply to your post with some good advice..

lindy lou 2
22-06-15, 10:54
Yes I agree, I have been the same for 3 yrs, but I know what set it off, moving house, my best friend dying,in law with dem , my sister in law with a brain tumour, mother in law withe dementia, I was on paroxetine for years on & off, thought they had stopped working, but I think it was lifes events set off everything.
You must get some help, as the others say.
I am on a whole range of meds but they haven't helped, weaning off 3 of them now, just started risperidone/risperdal low dose for anxiety, and I am getting little signs that they are beginning to work, fingers crossed.
Some people find therapy works better , unfortunately, cbt did not work for me.
Was there anything 9 yrs ago that started it off for you ?:hugs:

22-06-15, 10:57
Its what I see GAD as being, constant 24/7 anxiety and largely without a trigger. You just wake up and it starts.

Mine is daily but it goes up & down and not each day is hard, many are much easier but its in the background because I haven't progressed past that yet. When I was more severe, it was very high constantly and I don't know how I managed to sleep because of how wound up I was all the time.

So, put your mind at rest on that score, Tricia, there are many people on this forum and others just like this at some point. But I know what you mean, I'm betting everyone has been through some of those thoughts in their head about how can others feels like this, but they do.

22-06-15, 12:07
hi thk u all for your kind support and feel better knowing that im not the only one like this so thk you , i have had a lot of things happen over the past 20yrs i/e loosing both parents lived with a ex partner for 18yrs who was mentaly abusive towards me , having to look after a sister for 25yrs with drug and drink and depression and had to put up with all the physical abuse i got from her when she was drunk and having to witness her trying to kill herself when she lived with me,plus other trumas that have happened over the yrs. As some of u know im not on meds im too petriefied to take them, have had cbt over the yrs, my doctor is aware of how i am but because of the fear of taking meds and cannot have any more cbt there is not a lot she can offer me now. i have just started having a floating support worker from MIND coming out to see me twice aweek and is going to try and help me manage the anxiety and help with my self asteem and conviedence, im not sure but some people have said that coucilling may help me but im not sure if that would be beneficial to me.

22-06-15, 12:39
hi thk u all for your kind support and feel better knowing that im not the only one like this so thk you , i have had a lot of things happen over the past 20yrs i/e loosing both parents lived with a ex partner for 18yrs who was mentaly abusive towards me , having to look after a sister for 25yrs with drug and drink and depression and had to put up with all the physical abuse i got from her when she was drunk and having to witness her trying to kill herself when she lived with me,plus other trumas that have happened over the yrs. As some of u know im not on meds im too petriefied to take them, have had cbt over the yrs, my doctor is aware of how i am but because of the fear of taking meds and cannot have any more cbt there is not a lot she can offer me now. i have just started having a floating support worker from MIND coming out to see me twice aweek and is going to try and help me manage the anxiety and help with my self asteem and conviedence, im not sure but some people have said that coucilling may help me but im not sure if that would be beneficial to me.

I am glad that you have opened up and you are not alone in saying meds don't agree with you or being petrified to take them. I have been in exactly the same position butt most doctors will encourage you to take the pills at very low doses and then build up, but again no pill suits two different people.

You have a lot of stress in your life and that manifests itself in anxiety as well.

Go back to your doctor and run through the options again.Let's face it, you obviously need help and can't continue like this.

22-06-15, 13:08
I agree with the others concerning the symptoms. Stomach/digestive issues go hand and hand with anxiety.

Something has got to give concerning help. You're at the point of having to make an important decision. You've had therapy but were told you needed meds to help. By refusing to do so, the therapy was discontinued. So that just puts you right back where you started.

Doing the same things over and over expecting the outcome to change isn't working. Change what you're doing and perhaps you'll finally start gaining a few steps as opposed to standing still.

Positive thoughts

22-06-15, 14:09
Hi Tricia, as you can see your not alone.. I cant say that digestive issues have been a main part of my anxiety but muscular tension and dizziness constantly for up to 12 months a time have been. Anxiety hits people in different ways.
I also know that feeling of waking and thinking,hoping that everything will just right itself..its a constant battle. I had therapy, it helped a little.I had physio and saw a chiropractor for muscular issues, helped a little but back to square one when anxiety flared again. Ive battled it 3 times in 15 years and after chats with gps,s who said anxiety !!..I discovered via one of them that dependant on your age group?? in the case of ladies..hormones !!,They are nasty little creatures which create all kinds of symptoms.

22-06-15, 19:44
I agree with the others concerning the symptoms. Stomach/digestive issues go hand and hand with anxiety.

Something has got to give concerning help. You're at the point of having to make an important decision. You've had therapy but were told you needed meds to help. By refusing to do so, the therapy was discontinued. So that just puts you right back where you started.

Doing the same things over and over expecting the outcome to change isn't working. Change what you're doing and perhaps you'll finally start gaining a few steps as opposed to standing still.

Positive thoughts thk you fishmanpa for your kind advice
but im abit confused as to the change bit, as im not sure if you mean to start taking meds or to change wat I have been doing.

26-06-15, 15:22
thk you fishmanpa for your kind advice
but im abit confused as to the change bit, as im not sure if you mean to start taking meds or to change wat I have been doing.

It means exactly what you've said. You've tried therapy and you've said that meds were needed to help make the therapy more effective. By refusing to take them, you're no further along than you were years ago, and in fact, based on some of your posts, in some ways worse off.

From what people have suggested here and from what you've said your doctors and counselors have said, it would be worth your while to at least try meds (in conjunction with therapy). Speak to your doctor. There are many available and the potential side effects vary. Perhaps there's a mild non-SSRI that may help. I take Buspar when needed. It helped and I've had no issues at all.

Positive thoughts

Bellshill one
26-06-15, 15:39
Hi. You are not alone. I have felt the same as you for many years. I take meds. They help but there are side effects. But the result I get from meds makes side effects worthwhile. You could go into hospital and get meds under supervision. Trained medics will watch if you have any side effects and take care of you.