View Full Version : Range of Symptoms, Not sure what's wrong! :(

22-06-15, 10:42
Hi there,

just registered. Hoping i am posting in the right place!

Firstly, i suffer from high levels of anxiety and stress. Only recently, has this turned in to a more of a health-related hypochondria / anxiety. I basically think i have a serious illness and that im going to die. I have all these symptoms that seem 110% real. (and maybe they are?! - i have never had much health-anxiety before)

I will list them:

>> Lack of appetite, swollen stomach, Nausea

>> Fatigue, really tired all the time, getting a full nights sleep, yet still feeling really tired and fatigued.

>> Pale. Dark Circles under eyes. Slight Yellowing in corner of eyes (Jaundice??)

>> Pain / pressure under right rib-cage / feeling like i have a golfball under neath my ribcage

>> Back pain in my mid-to-lower back (left side mainly)- comes and goes.

>> IBS (Self-Diagnosed)

>> Feeling a pressure in my pelvis / left Buttox / left leg area - as if i have a swollen prostate (or in that general region)

>> Slightly-Paler Stools and darker Urine

>> Burning sensations, kinda everywhere really.. random hotspots on my body for no apparent reason

>> Frequent Urination

I have been to the GP for checkups and tests.

I have had an Endoscopy down my throat (they noticed i had a Hiatus Hernia and slight inflammation / GERD)

I have had an abdominal Ultrasound, nothing showed up.

I had bloods done, everything came back ok, except from slightly elevated ALTs - she told me its nothing to worry about?!

I am now waiting to see a Gastroenterologist in a few weeks.

I am so nervous and anxious about it all. I keep googling my symptoms and it's telling me all sorts of serious things! I cant stop thinking about it, and its affecting my daily work now. It's sorta turned into OCD, where i keep having to repeat myself and say things in my head like " im not going to die "

is there anyone else with similar issues / symptoms - feel so alone here! :(:(


22-06-15, 12:14
Do not Google goole in not our friend :( im sure the tests you've had the doc wud have been happy with otherwise he wud of ordered more tests x

23-06-15, 23:19
ok, listen try to calm down I am sure that u are just getting urself worked up and that's what's giving u all of these symptoms. The yellowing in the corner of ur eye is completely normal, I've had that for ages but I never noticed that until I was hypochondriac. My gp's tell me that cancer is usually painless, so whatever pain ur experiencing is good. As for ur stools, try and eat as healthy as possible and drink plenty of water and if ur urine is still dark and ur stools are still pale, go to ur docs about it (its still most likely nothing). Believe me pancreatic cancer usually only affects people above 60 and judging from ur profile picture u ain't nowhere near that age. And please STOP GOOGLING YOUR SYMPTOMS because this can trigger symptoms and make u feel sensations that aren't actually there and are just in ur head because ur worried. Feel free to reply and let me know how ur next visit to the docs goes. Btw if u had pancreatic cancer the docs would not let u go like that as signs of this would definitely show up in a blood test. All of these symptoms are because u are so run down (95 percent sure).