View Full Version : not sinuits hay fever

22-06-15, 14:50
So apparently its hay fever causing headaches ..... In sorry I do not buy this I have taken some hay fever meds I'm so high right now flying high ..... I still think there is more too this than hay fever no other symptoms for it too be hay fever so what????? Confused ??????????????? I'm sure its a brain tumour because ten days of a itchy psinful head and a pressure headache us not normal no one takes me seriously ;!!

22-06-15, 14:52
I have perennial rhinitis... the head pressure can be caused by other allergens other than hay fever ones. With sinus headaches they are usually more intense if you lean forward ?

22-06-15, 15:03
No its constant moves all over my head in also getting some hot shooting pains too ... I've had enough no ones taking it seriously I feel poorly I've been doctors eight times migraine relief don't work antibiotics don't work sinus medication don't work .... My ears keep poping ibe side nose blocks weirdly and the itchy crawling on my head and this headache hurts ten days now !!!

22-06-15, 15:11
This sounds like Hayfever to me.

It's hit and miss with Hayfever medication too; some work for some people but not for others.
I didn't have Hayfever until 4 years ago, so when I first had several weeks of feeling groggy and blocked, I had no idea what was going on.

22-06-15, 15:13
That's how it can be for me too, and I also get that creepy feeling on head.Mine is pollens, dust and some other irritants like chemicals and perfumes.

22-06-15, 15:16
I didn't say the hay fever was causing the headaches. I said the sinusitis.

Gary A
22-06-15, 16:57
You posted a thread last night panicking because you'd taken two decongestants and had drank two glasses of wine. You've previously posted in a fit of paranoia because you'd taken two sleeping tablets, you've also got a history of repeated doctor and A&E visits. There's more, loads more.

If a doctor isn't taking you seriously, then you have absolutely nobody to blame but yourself. Even this latest drama will probably be on the back burner this time in a few days and you'll be complaining about a pain in your back or something.

None of your symptoms are even remotely suggestive of a brain tumour, but I'm sure you've been told that already. It's a waste of time.

22-06-15, 18:09
I've had enough no ones taking it seriously I feel poorly I've been doctors eight times migraine relief don't work antibiotics don't work sinus medication don't work

The only thing that will work is calming down and treating your anxiety. Stress is not good for the body, and from your posts it's clear you are in a state a lot of the time, that will take it's toll on your immune system and your bodies ability to defend itself.

You have health anxiety, so you're health conscious, why not put your energy levels in to improving your health? Making healthy changes to your diet, exercise, sleeping, lifestyle and stress reduction.

Nobody is taking it seriously because it isn't serious, your anxiety is. As people know i have suffered with Health anxiety for a long time and i hit rock bottom, i was a wreck most days and utterly convinced i was going to die because of all my symptoms. However you MUST make an effort to change what you are doing and how you're behaving, at least TRY to refrain from posts like this look back on your older posts and ask yourself "Am i still here?" YES you are and you still will be. The only thing that is a danger to your health is yourself(sorry if that sounds harsh)
Nobody can do this for you.

If you haven't yet accepted and understood Health anxiety - then you need to. You have the time to focus on learning more about it and how it affects your thought patterns, physical symptoms and overall health. Take positive steps not negative ones.