View Full Version : Stomach twitch

22-06-15, 16:10
Hi everyone I haven't been here for a while since I've been doing great , I've hit a blip and can't stop stressing , I'm going on holiday tomorrow and I can't function , its in the upper stomach muscle slightly to the left , I've googled and I'm stressing its als or an abdominal aurora aneourism (spelt wrong ) it's been twitching for 2 days solid , I'm worried sick , it feels like a baby kicking but I'm not pregnant z

22-06-15, 16:20
Hi don't worry about this, I get it all the time! It feels very strange but it's completely normal. ALS and aortic aneurysms are both extremely rare I highly doubt it's anything bad.

22-06-15, 16:21
I have that very very often over the years, I've never thought anything of it, probably cause I never googled it so I didn't think it could be anything bad.
You'll be fine, enjoy your hols x

22-06-15, 16:25
I'll add I'm 35 is it more common the older you get ? X

22-06-15, 16:32
Go and enjoy your holiday you dont have no stupid als or anythign else, if you stop thinking about it will soon pass, Promise yourself you wont think of nothing bad or google, and if its still there end of holiday you go doctors but i betr you it will be goon and you will think damn why did i even post this lol

22-06-15, 16:37
Thanks I'll try xx Everyone's so helpful here my husband gets so fed up x

22-06-15, 16:45
my wife gets fed up too lol, i often say look at this has this changed blah blah and just drive them crazy its good site to say whats on your mind so can get reasured that your actually ok