View Full Version : Balance issue's - Ear/Jaw

22-06-15, 18:33
I posted before i went away about me suspecting i have TMD due to my jaw issue's and very recent vertigo.
Well it didn't improve on my holidays or since i've been back, it's quite a constant thing now nothing bad enough to make me fall over but a drunk feeling, or being on a boat and swaying. Sometimes the odd lunging forward or falling feeling. Occasionally i feel sick when it's really bad. I also get it when i lie down but generally it's when i'm up and about.

I know this could be an inner ear issue - i did a test which includes standing upright with your feet together(touching) and your eyes closed - to see if you sway to one side. Well to my surprise i was swaying like mad with my eyes closed - not so bad when they are open. So there definitely is an issue, but i do not have any earache or hearing loss.

I think it may all stem from my jaw problems which may be effecting my vestibular system some how. My jaw is visibly bigger on the left size, the masseter very tense and i struggle to open my mouth wide at all, it can be hard to eat because of limited opening.

I have an appointment at the doctors tomorrow, has anyone had balance issue's without it being directly a problem with the ear? Is that even possible lol. On holiday i took some motion sickness pills, they helped short term to allow me to enjoy my hols :D

23-06-15, 10:31
Hi Sam, my balance issues many types of which you describe stem from muscle tension (neck,shoulders)

23-06-15, 14:49
I also get balance issues when my neck is acting up, as well as when my sinuses are bothering me.

23-06-15, 18:29
Thanks for your replies, i do suffer with neck tension it can be really bad for days/weeks and then ease for a while.

I have just had my doctor's appointment and they have said they do suspect Temporomandibular disorder with the symptoms i described. She printed me off a few things to read through tips on how to ease it - told me to visit my dentist and mention my jaw problems, then to come back after a few weeks and we will review everything.

She felt around my jaw line, had a look in my ears, tested my vision and blood pressure. I tried to describe the balance problems as best i could i.e rocking, swaying.

---------- Post added at 18:29 ---------- Previous post was at 18:26 ----------

I don't know how medically accurate they are but i did two balance tests, apparently they are used in the medical field but who knows as google told me.
The first was to stand up with both feet together(touching) and close your eyes, to see if you sway to one side. I felt like i was on a boat instantly and did sway to the left - my partner was with me so no chance of falling :D

The second was to stand up in one spot and with your eyes closed, march on the spot for 30 seconds. Now i got my partner to do it first and he pretty much stayed in the same place.

I did it and to my surprise, i opened my eyes and i had completely veered off to the left, the left is the side i have my jaw issues on and the side that sticks out a tad. These tests are for inner ear issue's so i am not sure what to think of that.

I'll see what the dentist says and try follow these tips, fingers crossed it improves!

23-06-15, 18:42
Hi Sam. I have to try that. My shop in the basement has no windows. If the power goes off I can't see and my balance drops to nothing. I know I used to be able to navigate my house in the dark. Used to park my car in the garage and walk to the house in the dark. Left side of my neck and head hurts constant. Always thought it was just a pinched nerve, It might well be though.

25-06-15, 00:39
This feeling suck..I have it 2 years all tests are good..I still don't believe it's anxiety..I feel anxious just sometimes

25-06-15, 08:01
Sam, all your need now is a policeman's outfit for your bloke and you've got yourself a role play there! :nicked::winks::D

Your dentist will be the best person to assess TMJ, far more than a GP, so best of luck with it.

25-06-15, 10:22
Hi I have TMD plus I am getting tested for Meinere's Disease so I know how horrible both jaw and ear/balance problems can be. Anxiety doesn't help either, especially with the TMD as I clench my jaw constantly without realizing it when I am stressed and before I know it, I have an agonizing jaw pain flare up.

29-06-15, 10:46
Updating, been to see my dentist today he said there is evidence with the back molars of clenching/grinding. So it must be during my sleep. He mentioned some sort of mouth guard may be needed, at a nice £85 :huh: lovely. He said to try anti inflammatory's and if my jaw pain doesn't improve then they will refer me to a tmj specialist.

Just have to see my GP again now and see what she says.

29-06-15, 17:33
I'm currently using an ice pack on mine and has helped a little. I didn't end up getting the mouth guard because it was 213 dollars ... Unbelievable.

29-06-15, 18:46
Wow that's hefty. Nothing has been mentioned about the vertigo with regards to my jaw problems, so i don't think they're thinking there is a link there. It has been much better these last few days so who knows maybe it will go on it's own, it can be added to the list of 'No idea what that was' :roflmao:

29-06-15, 22:17
When my dentist looked at mine be said it would be £200+ but around £80+ if on the NHS.

I didn't bother and it went though luckily.