View Full Version : scared i have lymhoma or leukimia! please help.

23-06-15, 06:11
So im very new on this site.. and i just want some people to relate to. Share expierences with and comfort.
Now my story.. im a 15 year old boy. With bad anxiety and to top it off. Hypochondria.
I have convinced myself i have colon cancer, crohns disease and.ulcerative colitis . This is still going on. But a new problem has caught my eye.
LYMPHOMA.... Or leukimia. I scared of both ... But a few days i noticed a bump on my right side of my groin. I had come to terms that it was many things. From a pimple to a fatty tumour. But i realized that lymph nodes are in the area my bump is. So now im stuck with the state of mind that it is in fact a swollen Node.
then came google. Lol.. i looked up what was up with me and what came up was lots of things. From herpes to aids. I know i dont have aids because i havent done sexual contact witanyone. But it mentioned lymphoma.
I began to go overdrive on research and by the end of the day. Convinced myself that i have it. My weight has stayed in the general number as usual. And appetite isnt nessecarily a problem unless im to anxious to eat. (Sometimes this happens) but last night ny problem got added on too... I read that it causes night sweats.... So guess what i got last night?.. you guessed it. Night sweats. Sometimes i get symptoms of things i read about. But i cant be sure if thats the case For this. Now about the bump. It was a little painful at first. Maybe becayse of how much i poked it. But now it doesnt hurt. Its squishy to an extant and sorta moves.. i cant tell for sure. Nor do i know if it has grew. It is bean size. A little smaller though. I dont know how long its been here. But i found it 3 days ago. My family sorta shrugs it off . My mom says the bump is a zit. But it looks nothing like zit! Its just red and slightly raised. Its mostly felt under my skin. I know im driving my family crazy. But this is so real to me... In fact i just got done crying because i feel they dont understand me. Its very hard on my feelings when they do that. Im like the boy who cried serious disease. Well thats mostly it for now. But please if you can relate. And share stories. I would love that. I need comfort in this terrible time. Reasurrance .thank you for your time!

Gary A
23-06-15, 10:46
It sounds to me like you have a normal lymph node, the groin, neck and armpit are the areas of your body that you're most likely to feel nodes. However, it would be wise to have it quickly checked by a doctor, more to put your mind at ease than anything else. It's not always wise to seek reassurance from a doctor because it can simply feed your anxiety, but on this occasion I think it would be worth your while.

23-06-15, 15:42
Thank you alot for your input! But is the lymph node supossed to be able to be seen from just looking at it? My is kinda that way. And i begged my mon to take me to the doctor. She says she
Will make an appointment. It would beneficial to be if they checked my overall health. For me and annoyed family. But i feel a little better already.. Thank you!

23-06-15, 17:44
Hi, welcome to nomorepanic! I can definitely relate to your situation. I'm not sure if what you have is a lymph node, but even if it is it's nothing to worry about. It sounds like it's pretty small a and the fact that it moves and is squishy means it's almost definitely nothing to worry about. Worrisome lymph nodes would be rock hard and would not be moveable. I have a lot of raised lymph nodes. One on my collarbone, under either jaw, on my neck. Sometomes nodes stay raised after infection/illness and it's completely normal, so try not to worry!:)

23-06-15, 19:15
Thanks very much for your reply! .. i think it could be an ingrown hair.. there is a hair colored dash next to it. But i assume ingrown hairs are painful. I cant help but assume the worst with things :( .

23-06-15, 19:41
Your welcome! It very well could be an ingrown hair, but I'm not sure as I've never had one. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress about it. Do something to take your mind off of it, and don't google! Just relax and enjoy your summer :)

23-06-15, 19:45
Thank you! :)

23-06-15, 20:29
Hi there, you'll see from my topic that I have a very similar worry to yourself. I went for my blood today for Glandular Fever and a Full Blood Count, which my dr insists will put to bed any worries I may have about cancer. When speaking about it with friends it's so easy to laugh it off and realise how silly you're being, but when I'm home, alone, like right now sat upstairs in my room it's very difficult to stay rational.

However I saw something very interesting today backed up with a reference too.

In primary care settings, patients 40 years of age and older with unexplained lymphadenopathy (to clarify, this means swollen nodes) have about a 4 percent risk of cancer (whether indolent or not) versus a 0.4 percent risk in patients younger than age 40.

It's provided with a source, unfortunately I'm unable to link due to the lack of posts (ridiculous).

I never realised just how low the chances are that these unexplained raised nodes are cancer. I hope that it has relaxed you as much as it has relaxed me. I'd say that my panic levels have dropped a lot since reading this, I hope yours do too.

23-06-15, 20:31
Your welcome! I know, health anxiety is the worst! I've worried about my lymph nodes so many times, and now I think I've reached a point where I just kind of accept it and ignore them.

---------- Post added at 15:31 ---------- Previous post was at 15:30 ----------

Wow, bhafc22, thanks for that info! I've resisted googling about it lately, and that has actually put some of my own worries at ease!

23-06-15, 21:33
Hi there
It could be a lymph node, a cyst, a hair...so many things and none if them bad.
What I feel more concerned about is that at your age you are suffering from health anxiety, have you spoken to your family about this? Maybe you could have some kind of therapy...it seems such a shame that you should be worrying so much.
And of course NO consulting DR. GOOGLE
Let us know how you get on x

23-06-15, 21:46
Thanks everyone. And im glad to hear the percentage of this bump being cancerous being low. It does make me feel better. And i also can manage to laugh at myself about this. I will joke about it but it still is on my mind constantly negatively.
And indeed.... My family is very aware of my high anxiety.. I asked my mom also to take me to therapy. I think it will benefit me alot. Just like how this website is helping. :)

23-06-15, 22:26
Thanks everyone. And im glad to hear the percentage of this bump being cancerous being low. It does make me feel better. And i also can manage to laugh at myself about this. I will joke about it but it still is on my mind constantly negatively.
And indeed.... My family is very aware of my high anxiety.. I asked my mom also to take me to therapy. I think it will benefit me alot. Just like how this website is helping. :)

I feel exactly the same way. It doesn't help that my left node is aching like a son of a gun tonight on and off, probably because I've done nothing but poke and prod at it obsessively for 4 days, it just makes the worry worse.

But that 0.4% man, that's massive. In ALL reported cases of lymph nodes being raised, only 0.4% chance of it being cancer in someone under 40. I think that is a very positive stat. Even if I get my blood tests back on Monday and they're awful, I've at least had these facts and figures to hand for this week. See, I can't help but still worry it will come back with bad news.

23-06-15, 22:38
Im really worried to go the doctors period. I feel they will find something wrong with me. I hope everythig comes out good for your tests though!

06-07-15, 09:00
How did your bloods go