View Full Version : So much tension driving me crazy!!

23-06-15, 19:41
I've so much tension trapped in my body it's in real I think this is contributing to 80% of my problems if not more - my body constantly feels in a high tense position so bad I chronically feel like my head is being crushed and all my brain power is in the front of my head. Exercise increases this by 1000% it's so bad after anything were I have to concentrate I'm in agony because I feel like I'm trapped in the front of my own head the rest of my head feels dead. I can relax my body but it takes ages to bring this tension down it brings back a little extra cognition too but the second I get up and have to then concentrate again bang my head goes all tense again, this i think is also coursing nerve pain in all my back and lower stomach. I cognitively feel a mess I think it's because of this so so much tension it's so bad my ears always feel crushed! It's when this tension also goes I feel more intelligent - does this make any sense??

I've found also if I go out in this state which I do as I'm stuck like this within 10 minutes the tension comes so strong the pains get worse so does my cognition and awareness and my shoulders go really high and tense and the nerve pains gets worse and i become in such a state i struggle breathing,
The head becomes so crushed and such a cognitive mess I lose all concentration and awareness I start really losing my processing and memory awareness it's f'd up!! And it driving me crazy. It's taken me nearly two years to start figuring things out so you can imagine how messed up my symptoms and cognition has been in the past 24 months. Even now I'm still struggling in chronic head pain.

It's crazy!! I can't release this tension to bring myself back to how I've felt all my life I believe this tension holds the key to recovery for me, well so it feels.

Can anyone relate to this?

Thanks xx

26-06-15, 19:53
Hi Ollie,

I have had the same feeling myself today after getting very highly anxious at the shops. I had to leave at one point , then i did bravely return!

What you need to do when your body gets in this highly tensed state is nothing. I know this sound crazy but i have got through this using this method its worth a try.

Try to remove yourself from the place (only temporarily) sit down if you can and close your eyes.
Concentrate on loosening all your body, loosen your arms and shoulders especially. starting from the feet, point your toes flexing & releasing about 10 times each, then, work up your whole body in this way, gentle movements about 10 times for each area.
As you stop on each area, think to yourself eg: as i move my feet am letting go of the tension, and and now my foot is totally relaxed.
Repeat it again, saying now my foot is relaxed. And i am relaxing.
When you get to your head i visualise the word in my head Relax, I sometimes spell the word RELAX.

When i first started this i thought it would not work but you have to practice even when you are ok. You can play some soft music if it helps.
If you do this once a day it will take about 15mins, it will be more effective when that real bad day comes in.:)

Its worth a try, its free! and i really hope it works for you.

I hope you feel better soon.

PS: my daughters always make me laugh when i am like this they say to me "its okay mummy, think of a Pink Fluffy Unicorn riding on a cloud."
Basically it so daft, it makes me laugh which again releases the tension.

26-06-15, 20:02
Good description of progressive muscle relaxation. A known relaxation and coping skill. It works better with music for distraction too. I certainly recommend it.

Ollie this post is more positive than the last, that alone is an improvement. I see acceptance also. That helps.

26-06-15, 20:05
Forgot to say also,

In my early days (panic disorder, anxiety) i used to be very focused on heart palpatations , and my CBT coach, said that the more i focus on this i will make myself have more. He was right i used to have them all day.

You maybe doing the same but with the head tension.

What i had to do was say to myself, and this is not easy, "oh well its just another palpatation who cares, i dont, i am just going to carry on with my jobs.

You must not react, re focus on something else. (practical stuff is best)

You could try this to, say to yourself eg: So what my head feels tense, i dont care anymore, i am not bothered, if fact i feel happy today. and i am going to do something nice for myself.

Hope this makes sense, but it will not be instant, it took me 8 weeks of saying this after a heart palp, and now i only get them during a panic attack, before they were all the time even when i though i was relaxed because i could not think of nothing else.


26-06-15, 20:18

This is cognitive restructuring and has a very good reason why it works. I like your CBT Coach, this at least is CBT. So there is hope. I'm not the only one who did this.
I agree, it is hard to change thought processes but does work.