View Full Version : FLU AND DEPRESSION

30-01-07, 19:19
I had been doing really really well the past 2 weeks with my anxiety and depression, so much so I did something I hadn't done for years-Went out for a meal, anyway, I was feeling abit groggy yesterday but still in good form, I went to bed lastnight in a really positive mood, woke up this morning depressed, As soon as I opened my eyes the big black clud drew over me, I reckon this was caused by the flu, I feel rotten, so much so I had to take the day of work, which then added guilt to my depression, Is it normal for the flu to cause depression??

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

30-01-07, 20:07
I have a really bad cold at the moment and the constant headache is driving me mad. I have spent allday in bed today i feel so low and anxious. i really feel the cold has made my anxiety and depression worse and im in the most miserable mood so i would definatly agree with you. fingers crossed we both feel better soon take care Sarah x

30-01-07, 23:39
Hun any illness will add to how you feel and made you feel worse. Do not feel guily for taking a day of work, a lot of us have took months of due to anxiety.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

30-01-07, 23:52
Hi there hope you and bubblygirl feel better soon. My son has been off for a week now with throat and chest infection ,now my daughter has a raging temperature so shes coming down with something and i ache from head to toe have a temperature and have ran out of parecetomlos!!Ive had to take this week off so far my boss is gonna through a wobbler tomorrow when i phone again and say i wont be in for the rest of the week. But it cant be helpedIf i pay a childminder to have the kids i go to work for £1 an hour and im not prpared to send the kids somewhere when thewy are poorly.
Try and relax if you are off tomorrow with flu you are supposed to rest and drink plenty of fluids .
Take care
Anne xx