View Full Version : So fed up😭

24-06-15, 16:35
Hi everyone :) feeling so low .not sleeping well, keep feeling breathless ( so makes me worry more! Reall nervous belly too ...

24-06-15, 16:46
Hi Joanne
I could have written your post as I have your exact symptoms. Not sleeping well, breathless and nervous belly...was thinking if it could be silent reflux as I've had this in the past and it gave me these symptoms. If it doesn't improve I'll go to the docs xx

Gary A
24-06-15, 16:53
Sounds like you're both suffering from anxiety symptoms to me, but certainly a visit to your doctors to rule out unlikely physical causes would be advisable.

In the meantime, try some relaxed breathing exercises and try to keep a regular, healthy diet that doesn't put too much strain on your digestive system. Try some over the counter antacids or peppermint supplements.

24-06-15, 17:12
Breathlessness and the inabilty to draw a deep enough breath was my first foray into health anxiety 25 years ago or so. I was sure I was dying then, now I see it for what it is, probably to the point I will not recognize an actual symptom ;-)