View Full Version : Ok I'm back..

24-06-15, 17:07
After managing to calm my HA fears and starting sertraline (now weeks 4) I am terrified again. The two people who can I can usually talk to are away right now. I'm lonely and scared.
My fear has been melanoma for a while ( you may have read many of my posts :blush:) I have been seen by a dermatologist a couple of times in the past few months but then my doc referred me to a different one to check a new mole. This new derm was more thorough and decided I need two moles removed. I'm waiting for this appt but it could be up to 6 weeks. I'm so panicking. One of the moles is two colours but I think has always been this way. What I'm really worried about is a couple of new and growing moles, one on my leg and one on my stomach. They are both dark and weren't there last summer. I didn't show the derm these two as he was concentrating on the others. I now feel stupid. He said colour is the main thing they look for and this one on my leg is darker than any I have. It's only about 4mm but has grown.
I also saw a video for skin cancer awareness and it's set me off badly. Also, someone my age in my area has died of skin cancer recently and I'm so so scared. They misdiagnosed his mole and look what happened.
I tried to ring the derm's secretary just now but for no answer. I really thought I could cope with this but apparently not!!
I needed to write this down as I can't speak to anyone and I feel that horrible feeling that HA brings. I should be enjoying my life instead of sitting in, exhausted from worry. I'm inly in my 20s :(

24-06-15, 18:47
Horrible dude, im panciking too about a mole i have atm also, Its horrible and scary thinking what if its bad and its being left etc, I went saw a doctor who said my mole is fine but because online it said a b c d e of moles but i worry because my mole is not symetrical and is like a butterfly shape, its only about 4mm also, but still panicking and its all i can think about so im gettin reassurance again from doctor on friday when i have a appointment with him its terrible having this fear its kinda gay and pathetic i am only 26 , and these fears r ruining me its the internet that has put all the fear in my head