View Full Version : Indigestion and Palpitations

24-06-15, 17:41
For some reason, for me, burping has started triggering an instant PVC.

I own a portable heart monitor and it's not just that I think it does, it definitely does! It's an instant cause and effect. It's clear as day on the ECG.

It's difficult to see how that would work unless some kind of stimulation of the nerves in my throat can cause my heart to skip beats. I know a lot of doctors doubt this link. I had my doubts too.

Well, I now know it's a fact. Completely confirmed. PVCs can definitely result from indigestion. It's not just they're associated to some degree, it's a perfect link in my case.

I know a lot of us suffer from both GERD and palpitations.

I now seriously think we better look at our GERD problems. Maybe, just maybe, that's the cause of all this.

24-06-15, 19:10
Maybe doctors doubt it from how you present it.

There is a nerve that can be stimulated from indigestion: the vagus nerve. This is a nerve that is connected to several organs and the brain, and two of those organs are the heart and the stomach. Stimulating the vagus nerve may cause palpitations, but these are benign.

25-06-15, 12:26
Oh I know about the vagus nerve, I've had vagally-mediated atrial fibrillation before from drinking a large amount of ice cold water.

The reason I started this thread is that I've never seen such a perfect link between stomach issues and PVCs before, and that it's so clear makes me think that something like GERD is way more important than even many people with palpitations may suspect.

25-06-15, 13:32
Don't worry, you aren't crazy.

Sometimes I get these internal burps that seem to get stuck and trigger fluttering for a few seconds. It feels absolutely awful.

There just isn't enough research yet for doctors or cardiologists to tell you there's a connection. They work on facts and won't make suggestions for things that aren't proven.

25-06-15, 14:04
Really, that perfect link is explained by the vagus nerve.

If you type the exact query "indigestion and palpitations" into Google that's what you'll find.